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[A creep and talk]

★。・:* ・ *:・゚★
Ran's POV

It was still raining

[Y/N] forces on me staying, saying I could take her room because the guest room is occupied with her stuff 'cause she never had people stay in her place, not until now. Not that I mind though. I honestly feel ecstatic that I'm the first person that ever got to stay the night here, let alone I'm the first guy.

I honestly don't know anything about her. Only thing I know is that she's the oldest amongst the kawata twins and extremely good at fighting.

Now I'm at her bedroom. 'She doesn't like girly things that much huh?' she had a plain room but it was neatly decorated. She had this thing called "gallery wall", I think it's some kind of way to admire your art. And the best part is she had a window balcony.

"Here are some extra blankets and pillows." [Y/N] came inside the room holding the blanket and pillows. "I'll be taking the couch." I was about to insist when she spoke. "Don't worry, to be honest the couch feels more relaxing than the bed. Only in my opinion. The bed is too soft for my liking but hope you'll get a good night's rest."

She handed me the blanket and extra pillows and flashed me a warm smile. It's like an arrow went through my heart. I don't know when these feelings started but I wish for it not to stop.

[Y/N] then walked out the room. I decided to look around, I don't intent to snoop around but if theres anything that'll make me know something more about her so then be it. I looked through drawers and cabinets but just found nothing that peaks my interest.

I finally stumbled on the last cabinet hoping I could find something. I looked around but it only consists of her clothes though there was something odd. There was a big lump under her t-shirts, I didn't want to get on her business but she's the first girl I found interest in.

She was a first girl to kick my ass, who wouldn't be ecstatic. Though I think guys would be annoyed and angered, who wouldn't actually. There's just something in me that wants to know more about her.

I was hesitant to look but took the pile of clothing putting it at the side. There was teddy bear, it looked banged up. There was stuffing coming out of the places where it had scratches, the other button of the eyes was missing and it was really dirty.

Something about the teddy bear made me feel some sort of nostalgia or deja vu at some sort or was it because I felt bad for her. I kicked the feeling off and placed everything back in place so [Y/N] wouldn't get sceptical.

I flopped myself on her bed. 'It smells like her'. I was about to sleep when a 'ping' sound was heard coming from my phone. I checked it and saw Rindou's name, I clicked it and saw his message.

Message from:

Rin-rin: don't act like a creep, idiot. -_-

An irk mark grew on my forehead. I sent a quick message saying 'Fuck off' and a fuck you emoji before slamming my phone back to the matres and let sleep consume me.


Narrator's POV

Ran Haitani is now in his shared penthouse along with his dear brother. (Idk if they're rich or not(ಠ_ಠ)!?)

'I don't know why but somehow she seems familiar... In a good way.' he thought.

Ran was laying his back on his luxurious couch while looking up the ceiling and unconsciously furrowed his brows.

In the other side of the corner there's Rindou. He seems to be weirded out by the behavior of the eldest Haitani. The youngest came to an conclusion that strucked like lightning into his little brain with chicken hair for a head.
(A/n: This is not Rindou slander! This is just how I show my love for him!)

"Don't tell me she rejected you!" the youngest Haitani blurted out his conclusion and started laughing hysterically which made the eldest turn his head towards the youngest.

"Huh!? What the hell are you talking about!? I didn't get rejected!?" the eldest yelled from the couch. "And for your information! I was just thinking about stuff!" Ran blurted out.

Rindou then sat beside his elder brother and fixed his glasses.
(A/n: Tryin' to be cool in front of your brother I see, Rindou) Rindou then scoffed and looked at his brother. "You?... Thinking about stuff?... Who are you and what have you done to Ran!?" Rindou exclaimed while pulling Ran back and forth by his shoulder.

"Idiot, fuck off!" Ran was pissed. "I was just thinking that [Y/N] looked familiar! That's it!" Rindou made an 'o' face. Few minutes later Rindou got off the couch and stood up walking towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"Gonna buy some snacks, we're all out of food." Ran looked at his brother for a while and stood up walking towards the youngest.

"Then I'll come with you!♡" Ran chirped. The eldest then dragged the youngest out of the house after they put on their shoes.

Short story 'cause I ran out of ideas 😭

But hope you guys still like it

There's strangers in my house and I'm currently locking myself in my room 🌚

Have a great day/night!

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