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[Meet, embarrass, and a fight]

★。・:* ・ *:・゚★
[Y/N]'s POV


It's Monday. The most bitchiest day of the week. I was heading to my school with one thing still clinging in the back of my noggin.

'Ran Haitani sure is weird.'

I arrived at school and went to my class taking my seat at the back near the window. I'm in third year high school which means after this school year I'm finally going to escape hell.

I'm not entering college. It'll only give my brain more mental damage. Classes only just started a months ago, meaning there's going to be more shit that I least expected.


Hiroto Hanami one of the members of the student council. He's the SCS short for 'Student Council Secretary'. Did I forgot to mention I'm the pres? "I caught two guys beating the shit out of some juniors!" he explained in horror.

I quickly jumped from my seat. Hanami-kun leading me to where the fight is happening.

★。・:* ・ *:・゚★
??? POV

"P—p... Ple–ase... Spar—e us!" a guy I beat up, pleaded. I just clicked my tongue at his stupidness along with his friends.

"You guys are no fun at all." my brother beside me said in a bored tone. "Is it just me or this shit is getting old!" my brother wined.

I was about to say something but I saw two shadows outside the alley we were in. I squinted my eyes a bit to see who it was.



I heard a familiar feminine voice.

"Haitani-san! What do you think you're doing!" [Y/N]-San yelled while stomping her feet toward us. "Haitani-san, you already hurt my brothers! Why are you hurting more people!"

I was speechless. I didn't know she went to school here too! "They were pissing us off, that's why!" my brother Rindou said.

"That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard, Haitani-kun!"

"Why are you even sticking your nose into me and my brothers business!"

"I've heard from Hanami-kun that you two were causing mischief! As a responsible SCP I must discipline those who're making trouble!"

SCP? What the fuck is that!? "What in the fucking hell is an SCP!?" my brother practically read my mind. But to be honest, What the fuck is an SCP!?

"It's short for 'Student Council President', I made that up thank you very much! Now! Why the hell are you two doing here!"

As my brother and [Y/N]-San kept bickering left and right, I whip my head to another person that I think is the SCS... I'm getting influenced by her... Not that I don't mind.

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