Chapter 5

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Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom used to be our neighbours before they moved into a quieter neighbourhood following the birth of their first child together. I definitely miss the fun nights that we used to share but I understand that they wanted somewhere more secluded away from the paparazzi.

"You need a jingle for everytime someone walks through that door." Katy tells Vince who chuckles at her words. 

"I'm sure that would irritate a lot of our guests."

"Who cares?" She waves him off. "I would even record a jingle just for you."

I snort, "And how would it go?"

"On the way to Vaughn's Express, a bottle of whiskey at your request." Katy sings before doing the jazz hands and we all cheer because it actually sounded pretty decent. "And that will be five dollars for everytime that song is played so I'm expecting my royalties, Vince."

"I'll give them to ya." Vince clicks his fingers at her before slipping his arm around my shoulder and I smile up at him.

"If you're ever thinking of selling the business or one of the buildings then we are your people." Orlando jokes while pulling Katy closer to his side and she pulls a face. "You have done an incredible job with this place considering with what you started out with."

A smile forms on Vince's lips, "It hasn't been easy but I try."

"Just take the compliment." I nudge my husband's side. "You currently own one of the biggest bars in the world and that entitles you to bragging rights."

Vince looks down at his drink as I give him a loving kiss on the cheek

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Vince looks down at his drink as I give him a loving kiss on the cheek. 

Katy and Orlando poke fun at us for a couple of minutes before conversation turns to life with children. Anytime I hear my husband speak, I find myself fixated on him but he never seems to realise just how obsessed I am with him.

We don't look the same way that we did two decades ago and Vince was never really bothered about his appearance until people started commenting on it. I am well aware of how my husband looks and I think he has never been sexier so I have no complaints.

"I want another baby." 

The words leave my lips before I can stop them and the look on my husband's face has me freezing in fear. The surprise soon turns to horror as he realises that I'm being serious and it makes me feel weird inside because I don't know why I said that.

Our youngest is almost an adult and I'm thinking about having another child with my husband because I'm obsessed with him.

"Holy shit." Katy pretends to spit out her drink. "But you're like 50?"

"Fuck you, Katy." I flip her off as we both start to giggle. "I'm only thirty nine and I haven't gone through menopause yet."

"Don't you think this is something that we should discuss privately?" Vince asks while tilting his head to the side. "Hunny, I... what?" 

"Pop out another boy to even out the rounds." Orlando winks at Vince. "Two girls, two boys and you'll never have a problem again."

Vince gives me a strange look before looking away which makes me chew on the inside of my cheek as I think of the impact this will have on our marriage. Having more children is not something that we discuss since we are content with our family but after our brunch date with the girls, it's been playing on my mind.

The other couple notice the tension forming and quickly change the conversation to holidays they are planning. 

"Sorry." I whisper in my husband's ear as he refuses to look in my direction. "I..."

Vince purses his lips at me, "We will talk about this at home."

He pulls his arm away from mine and I pout while sinking into my seat because this is not how I expected our day to go.


Instead of going home with my husband, I decided to head to my mother's home since I felt in need of some motherly advice. The sudden decision to want children is something that is surprising to me but the memories that I have of Vince as a father only makes me want to give him as many children as I possible can.

Vince is in his mid forties while I'm not far from reach the big 4 0 so this is ideally the time for us to enjoy the rest of our lives together. It won't be long until our children move out of the family home to pursue their own lives so Vince and I have time to explore the world.

Perhaps this is just wistfully thinking that I will forget about the following day.

"It will the comeback of a lifetime." My mother tells me as her makeup artist starts touching up her glam and I slouch in the corner. "Straighten up that posture, Carmen."

I sigh while sitting up and she clicks her fingers at me.

When I made the decision to come here for motherly advice, I was not expecting my mother to force me to attend a film premiere with her. Anything I wanted to say was quickly shut down as my mother began talking about herself and her big comeback to Hollywood which was to be expected.

"Women in Hollywood are afraid of getting old but I think I can rally them up and get them in formation." My mother smiles to herself. "I can be the spokesperson for the women in Hollywo-"

"JUST STOP!" I snap at her and everyone in the room looks at me in surprise. "I came here to get some advice from you but all you have done is talk about yourself. For thirty nine years, I have had to deal with everything always being about you and that ends today."

My mother he claps her hands together and her entire glam squad leaves the room without another word.

"I don't know who you think you're talking to but not in this house." She says in a hushed tone as she steps off her stool. "When you are in my home, you will respect me and if you can't do that then you know where the door is."

I scoff, "You are ridiculous

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I scoff, "You are ridiculous."

"The only ridiculous one here is you." She retorts. "Making a fool of yourself infront of my entourage."

"All I wanted was to talk." I quietly respond as I feel my eyes begin to water. "I may have messed up my entire marriage so I came to the one person who I think will hear me out and you shut me down. You always find a way to break my heart and it's no wonder why Greyson doesn't talk to you." 

"How dare you?" My mom clutches at her chest. "How dare you speak of me in that manner? I am your mother."

"THEN ACT LIKE IT!" I yell and she freezes in her track. "BE A MOTHER!"

My mother may not have been present for my brother or myself but it's not something that I have ever gone at her for. I have never slandered or made her feel like shit for the lack of parenting that we received growing up but I now realise that I probably should have spoken up.

In her mind, she's the perfect mother.

My mother stares me down, "I think you should leave."


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