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To make things clearer.

Ella is Rose.
Theo is Maddox.


Maddox (Theo):

God, she's so damn beautiful. Ella.

I can spend the rest of my life watching her smile. The way her light brown hair moves with the wind, barely touching her shoulders, makes me want to run my fingers through it. She's wearing another white dress today, proving further that the nickname I have for her fits perfectly.

Shit, I'm being creepy again.

"Dude." Tyler slaps his palm on my back, successfully grabbing my attention, as he sits down. "Stop staring at her. You look like a fucking creep."

I groan, hanging my head low. He's not wrong.

Chuckling in amusement, Tyler drops his gear on the ground. "You seriously need to speak to the woman. This is getting ridiculous now. It's been, what? Four months?"

"Six." I mumble quietly, honestly ashamed of how pathetic I am when it comes to her.

"Damn, man." He shakes his head in disappointment. "I don't fucking get it. You're the captain of the football team. You're as handsome as shit can get. Chicks are throwing themselves at you left and right, and here you are too afraid to talk to a girl."

"I'm not afraid, man. I just don't know what to say." I shrug, digging the hole I want to bury myself in deeper.

"Yeah, right." He snorts, his green eyes narrowing slightly. "You, who used to go home with a different girl every night back in high school, is now tongue tied."

"Those days are behind me. It was just a stupid phase that I've outgrown. I've always been a one woman kind of a man and you know that. I was just too young back then." I send him a glare, because he already knows this.

I've grown up in a household where love and commitment meant everything. My parents couldn't be more in love with each other, despite being together for decades now. Both of my older sisters are happily married and their husbands absolutely worship them. I've grown up around love and watched how beautiful it can be if treasured.

I might have been young and foolish once, but ever since my eyes caught Elle's six months ago, I knew I was ready. When those gray irises met my blue ones, my soul just fucking knew that this was it. She was it. If only I decided to fucking do something about it.

"I agree. And ever since you met your angel right there you haven't even looked at another woman." He states with a grin. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. But only if you grow a fucking pair and go talk to her."

"Dude, there's no way she's single, alright? I mean, look at her." I nod my head in Ella's direction and we both watch as she laughs along with a couple of her friends, and I feel my breath hitch. "No way in fuck someone as beautiful, outgoing and full of life like her is not taken. I just don't want to get my heart broken, man."

"Actually, about that." Ty clears his throat and scratches the back of his neck, a telltale sign that he is about to shit some crap out of his mouth that I won't like.

"What?" I scowl.

"So, I asked Vikki. They take a couple of classes together, you know?" He starts, running a hand through his short blond hair. "I never mentioned you, though. I asked her for a 'friend' and she said that as far as she knows, your angel is indeed single."

My heart picks up its pace.

No damn way. How on earth is she not in a relationship? Is everyone fucking blind? Fucking hell, do I actually have a chance?

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