32. Love Again

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Guess who is an official Wattpad Creator!!

I'm so happy I wanna cry!

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Username: authorfarahfekry



I'm a nervous wreck as I fix my shirt in front of the mirror and wipe my sweaty palms. She better fucking say yes to me or I think I might die. Now, I don't care if she doesn't want to have the wedding soon. I'll wait forever, just as long as I know that she has my damn ring on her finger. I might be paranoid but I want to know for sure that she does want to and will marry me someday, hopefully soon.

Fuck, I really don't want to wait at all. I will if that's what my angel wants, but I really wish I won't have to. I love her so goddamn much.

I remember the first time I ever saw Rose, laughing and talking with her friends, wearing my favorite white dress that I asked her to wear tonight. She looked like she had a heart of golden feathers, and fluttering wings on her feet. She looked like a fucking dream, so far out of reach that I could do nothing with but stare at and long for from afar.

But then she dissapeared and I spent a whole goddamn year wishing I had the balls to ask her out when I had the chance. That year she spent hating herself, I spent hating myself too.

Rose hated herself because she had no one else to blame. So did I. She spent that year wishing things had gone differently, that she had done things differently, and so did I. She spent that year trying to let go of the past that haunted her, and I spent it trying to forget about an angel who I knew has cast a spell upon my heart.

Rose thinks I fixed her, that I taught her how to love again, herself and others. She doesn't know that she's done the same to me. Helping her realize how amazing she actually is, keeping her safe and making her happy, made me realize that I too am happy and proud of myself. I love myself again because she loves me, and her love is all I fucking need in this life.

"You look really handsome." My angel's sweet voice grabs my attention, and I turn around to watch her smile at me softly, wearing the lucky white dress.

"And you look absolutely breathtaking, Rose." I walk over and plant my lips on hers in a sweet kiss.

Pulling back, she grins and fixes my collar. "We're going back to school tomorrow morning, correct?"

"Yes, baby. Is that alright? We can leave tonight if you want us to." I tuck a strand of her silky hair behind her head.

"No, tomorrow is fine." She takes a deep breath and releases it with a content smile. "I'll actually miss your family. And mine."

"We'll visit them again soon." I promise, caressing her cheek, and praying to anyone who can hear me that I don't have to live a day without my angel beside me. She better fucking say yes.

"I promised Mama to come home soon too. I miss Leo and I want you to meet him." She smiles and my heart feels heavy inside my chest, because I'm fucking worried I'll blow this up with my plan.

What if I scare her off? What if she fucking runs for the hills? What if she has cold feet? We haven't been together for two damn weeks and I'm already proposing. Fucking hell, I haven't taken her on an official date yet.

"Honey?" Her angelic voice saves me from the dark road my thoughts were dragging me down and I take a deep, calming breath. "Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting a little strange."

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