23. Overestimated

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I nervously fiddle with the hem of my white dress as Maddox drives. Im not paying much attention to the conversation he's having with Tyler because I'm about to meet his family and I'm scared. Even though I've spent an hour on the phone with Mama doing her best to calm me down and promising me that they'd be blind not to see how amazing I am, I still feel like throwing up.

Eddie wasn't as polite as Mama though. He promised if any of them are mean to me he'd drive here and take me away instantly, and not before giving everyone a piece of his mind. Then they both made me promise to bring Maddox to meet them soon, which I quickly ended the call after.

Maddox's hand grabs mine, startling me, and I jump in my seat before releasing a breath. His fingers hold mine, his thumb soothingly caressing my knuckles. "You have nothing to be nervous about, baby."

"They'll love you, Ella." Tyler says from the backseat, shoving his face between Maddox and me. "Especially when they see how fucking whipped Theo are for you."

Maddox chuckles and nods his head in agreement.

"I'm just worried b-because I feel like too many things could go wrong." I admit the truth quitely.

Because what if someone accidentally touches me and I make a fool of myself? Or what if the stutter makes the conversation really awkward and they decide to stay silent instead? Or what if someone wonders why I'm the way I am and I have to give them an answer?

"I'll be right by your side the whole weekend, Angel. And if you feel like you can't be there anymore, just say the word and we'll leave, no questions asked." Maddox promises, but I don't take him seriously, because I would never do that.

He has mentioned a couple of times how important this day is to his family. He explained that it's traditional for them to gather on both their parent's birthdays, and no matter where he or his sisters are they always show up. So I could never break his family's rules like that.

And if I'm being honest it makes me a little more nervous to know that I'll be somewhat stuck there. But I have Maddox with me, and from what I gathered from him, his family sounds truly wonderful. I also have Eddie on speed dial, just in case. So I should be fine.

"I'll be there too, you know?" Tyler scoffs. "I feel like I don't get enough love from you guys."

I giggle at his childish behavior, instantly enjoying the familiarity of it. Maddox rolls his eyes. "You're about to be showered with enough love to last you a damn year."

"Aw!" Tyler puts a palm over his chest. "Are you jealous because Mama Magy loves me more?"

"As if." It's Maddox's turn to scoff.

"You know it's true." Ty shrugs, before turning to me. "We'll let Ella be the judge of that once this weekend is over."

"I'll be fair." I nod my head as I promise and Maddox sends me a playful glare before focusing back on the road.

Fifteen minutes later, we park in front of a big two story house that looks really elegant yet quite cozy at the same time. Maddox has told me that his family is rich, that his father owns a big company which Maddox wants to run after he graduates. That's why he chose business to be his major. But when I see the three cars parked next to ours, each one looking more expensive than the last, I get what he meant about being rich.

Maddox turns off the engine and Tyler jumps out of the car. Maddox turns to me with soft eyes. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for being here with me, Rose. I'm so fucking proud of you."

My heart calms down a notch as I remember why I'm doing this. "I love you."

"I love you more, Angel." He drops a small kiss to my lips before exiting the car. I take two deep breaths and wipe my sweaty hands as Maddox opens my door for me. He grabs my hand in his and as if on cue, the front door is pulled open.

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