31. Excited

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As soon as Mama parks, I hop out of the vehicle and make my way inside, anxious to find my Maddox. It's almost dark; the sun is setting, and I miss him so much.

"Oh, welcome back, Ella!" Tyler yells once I step foot inside and I jump in my place, with a hand on my chest.

"You startled me." I try to catch my breath, eyeing him.

"Sorry." He whispers with a grimace before giving me a grin and screams again. "I'm just so happy that you're back, Ella! You're back from the mall!"

Taking a step back, I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" He shakes his head and moves a hand through his hair a little nervously. "I'm fine. Did you have fun at the mall?"

"Yeah." My eyes move around and a small frown appears between my brows when I don't spot my Maddox. "Where's Maddox?"

"Why? You miss him?" Tyler's grin is giving me a headache. He leans against the wall, crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me expectantly as if he's waiting for me to tell him my life story.

"So much, actually. More than h-he missed me." I feel the need to say that, to make Tyler and anyone else see that I need and love Maddox as much as he does me. Maybe then they'll quit teasing him about being whipped as they call it.

"Sweet." He gushes and I blink at him stupidly. "Where are your shopping bags?"

"In the car." I state, because I don't want his family –or my dad for that matter– to see the bags and understand what I went shopping for.

"What did you get? Tell me in details." He clears his throat with a forced smile and I think he's trying to stall, to somehow keep me talking. I don't understand why. Unless something is wrong with my boyfriend.

"Where's h-he, Ty?" I ask again, somewhat nervous this time because I can't find him. Why can't I find him? Where did he go?

Tyler's eyes soften when they see me start to get worried. "He's in the bathroom, don't worry." He turns around towards the hallway that leads to the kitchen and the backyard. "Yo, Theo! Stop taking a shit and come to your girl!"

"Ella?" Mama walks inside the house with a smile, abandoning her purse by the closet next to the front door. "Do you know where your father is?"

"He's in the living room, Mama Lily!" Tyler screams once more and I flinch back before taking a deep breath and clenching my fists. I'm about a few seconds away from punching him, no matter how painful that will be. Tyler is my friend and I absolutely love him, but he needs to calm down. Everyone in this household is always so enthusiastic it makes me feel a little out of place.

"Ty, p-please don't yell." I state with a frown that deepens when I notice how fast my breathing has become.

"Ella? Are you okay?" Mama asks, rubbing my arm, but I flinch away from her touch too. I'm not scared of Mama or Tyler at all. I'm just suddenly uncomfortable. I want Maddox and I want privacy.

"Shit." Tyler mumbles under his breath in panic. "I was only joking around. I won't yell again, I promise. I'm sorry."

"It's f-fine." I shake my head quickly. "I'll just step outside for a m-moment, until Maddox is out of the bathroom."

"Angel?" My head snaps to the side and I let out a breath. Maddox walks over quickly and gathers me in his arms, shoving my face against his neck and lifting me off the floor in the process. "You're okay, baby."

"I know." I breathe, filling my lungs with his scent as I wrap my arms around his neck tightly. "I wasn't scared. Just uncomfortable. That's normal for me around people."

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