24. Panic

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Btw, I've changed the Charlotte and Mark's boy's name into Cody. Sorry for the confusion.


I watch my Rose scratch her forearm nervously once again as she speaks with my mother and I feel like shit.

She's getting too nervous, too scared and I feel like a useless piece of crap, because I'm the reason why she's barely keeping her breathing steady right now.

I should've never fucking asked her to meet my family so soon. I was too fucking excited, because I've been waiting for this moment for two long years, that I've failed to noticed she's not quite ready yet.

And fuck, the fact that she came here because she honestly believed she could be ready enough makes this so much fucking worse. I can only hope that I'm reading the signs wrong.

The sight of her squirming in her seat every couple of seconds, her gray eyes wide, alert and scared, breaks my damn heart.

But when Cody suddenly cries in his babychair and she jumps in her seat, her terrified eyes quickly searching for mine across the table, I'm about a fucking second away from grabbing her and leaving.

I asked her twice now since we arrived if she wanted to leave and each time she said no. I'm afraid if I make that decision for her she might take it as a sign that I don't have faith in her. The last thing I need right now is for her to think I don't believe she's strong enough. She's so much stronger than she knows, and being here proves that. She fucking tried, and that shows how brave she is. But I want her to understand that it's okay if she gets overwhelmed and decides to leave. I just don't know how to do that without her thinking the worst.

Tyler meets my eyes as I stand up and make my way to her, and he frowns sadly, because he too can see what I can. Hell, I'm sure everyone present can.

"Hey, Angel." I quickly grab her hand and drop a kiss to her head. "I'm sorry the kids are too loud."

She gulps, scratching her damn arm again and I almost scowl at her but I don't because she doesn't need that right now. "It's al-alright."

I grab her other hand in mine, stopping her from irritating the red, senstive skin any more. "Wanna head with me upstairs for a while?"

She nods her head rapidly, as if my simple suggestion is her salvation, and I feel like a fucking asshole for putting her through that.

"Oh, but we're just about to bring the cake." Ma announces beside us and I want to glare at her but she'd kick my ass if I do that. So instead I just shake my head.

"I'm sure the cake can wait just a little longer, Ma." I say. "Sorry, but I need to speak with my angel. We won't take long."

Mom sighs before giving us a sweet smile and nods her head. Tugging on Rose's hand, I pull her to her feet then lead her up the stairs and into my old room again.

Once I shut the door I gather her in my embrace. If I open my mouth I'll apologize for putting her through so much anxiety when I should've known better, and she'll absolutely hate that. So I remain silent.

Rose wraps her arms around my torso, her breathing still slightly faster than it should be and I sigh.

"Th-thank you." She mumbles against my chest and I shake my head.

"Thank you, baby." I clench my jaw and shut my eyes for a few seconds before I pull away enough to look at her eyes. "You're my strong, brave, good girl. Keep that in mind, yeah?"

She gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "I'm tr-trying to."

"And you're doing phenomenally." I assure her. "They are as smitten with you as I am. Well, almost as I am."

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