30. This Is Forever

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Tyler stares at me without blinking for at least a minute. I'm a little worried I might have given him a stroke when he finally shakes his head with a frown. "Come again? I think I have something in my ear."

I roll my eyes with a huff. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me, Tyler."

I'm a mixture of pride and nervousness as I watch him.

"I'm not hearing you right." He shakes his head again, sticking the tip of his finger in his ear to make sure nothing is stuck in there.

"For fuck's sake!" I groan loudly. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me! I'm gonna fucking propose tonight, Tyler! And I need your fucking help."

I hear a loud gasp from behind me and turn quickly to see my mother covering her mouth with her hand and her eyes are instantly glossy. "Oh, my god!" She rushes to me, her hands quick to attach on my shoulders. "Oh, my god!"

"Shit." I mumble under my breath. "Calm down, Ma."

"Did you just say you're gonna ask Ella to marry you?!" She screams and I wince at how loud her voice is.

"Yes." I smile though, because I'm fucking happy. "Do you think she'll say yes, Ma?"

"My baby is getting married!" She screams again, totally ignoring my question, and my eyes widen in horror when I see my sisters and their husband rushing into the kitchen like headless chicken.

"Who is getting married?!" Sofia asks with wide eyes to match mine.

"Your brother!" Tyler screams as loud as Ma and I groan again when the whole vicinity is suddenly filled with shrieks.

"Oh, my goodness! Are you for real?" Charlotte runs to me and gathers me in a tight hug.

"Please lower your voices." I'm going to cry, because this is not how I planned to drop the bomb at all. "I still need to ask her father for his blessing."

"Oh, he better say yes!" Tyler threatens sassily, flexing his arms as if he's ready to punch my future father in law.

"He will! We'll make him." Ma assures me and I'm a little ashamed to say that I'm a lot more relieved now to know I have their support.

"You've finally grown up." Mark states with a smirk and I roll my eyes at him.

"Welcome to the club, man!" Peter pulls me out of Charlotte's hold to hug me.

"We're not even sure if she'll say yes." I groan, because in all honesty I am worried. Because what if she thinks it's too soon? What if she's not fucking ready? What if she gets so nervous being on spot like that and panics again. What if this whole plan backfires in my ass.

I don't have more time to wallow in doubt, because Tyler grabs my attention. "You fucking delusional? That woman loves you nearly as much as you do her. Of course she'll say yes."

"But I've told her before that I'll wait till after we graduate to propose. What if she still wants to wait?" I voice my worries, my eyes moving between the faces of my family, who look anything but amused.

"Then you'll get engaged and have the wedding after graduation. Not a big deal." Charlotte shrugs and I scowl at her, because I don't want to wait that long. Getting married in college may sound too early, but my parents got married even before that, so I don't really see the problem. And I fucking love Rose, so much that I can't wait to make her mine forever.

"They've talked about getting married before, and the idiot is worried she'll say no." Sofia shakes her head at me. I shrug.

"Holy fucking shit, dude." Tyler shrieks from beside me. "I thought you were pranking me."

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