17. Low-Blow

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Convincing Reece to escort me to college hadn't been the test of wills it usually was, in fact he all but offered the escape from whatever shady business was taking place at the manor. "Why'd you withdraw your transfer to that big shot college in New York?" Opening my mouth to inquire how he had that information, I caught myself. By this point it shouldn't have surprised me that Reece knew as much if not more about me than I myself did. Shaking my head, I sighed. Hooking my arms around the infuriating man I pulled him between my thighs, connecting my ankles at the base of his spine.

Gripping my hips, he slid me to the edge of the vehicles bonnet. "Because I didn't want to leave, my father wanted me gone." Remembering back to the arguments- five years earlier- centred around my future I blinked away the tears. Despite proving to my father that I was moving on, he was hell bent on shipping me off to New York at his earliest convenience.

The blank expression on Reece's face caught my attention, confusion clear behind his focus. Would you look at that...something he doesn't know about you- don't tell him. The small women in my head looked on, gobsmacked. Unlike my insensitive subconscious I knew all too well how not knowing had been fucking with Reece's mind. Unable to have me, for the past seven years he'd made it his absolute mission to know anything and everything concerning me.

Had I not enjoyed his exclusive surveillance so thoroughly, I might have found that worthy of profiling. Putting him out of his misery, I explained. "Before I was born my father used to do business with Maddison Taylor Quinn, founder of the multi-billion-dollar Quinn Industries Inc. Her brother, Archibald had taken over the company- as acting CEO- since she passed away. He had offered to take care of me while I finished my Law degree in New York, in the hopes that I'd choose to work for him later on." Shrugging I traced my fingers over his built shoulders.

I had tried so hard to convince myself that Reece hadn't been my reason for refusing to leave New Orleans, in fact I'd denied it endlessly to my father. Although it had been my major incentive to remain here, there were many others. This town was all I had left of my mother, the only way I could remain near her. My brother and father were all the family I had left; the thought of living a whole life away from them was unimaginable to me. Amongst those there was always a lingering ambiguity that consumed when I thought to leave. It was as though the streets were taunting me with secrets, truths that I had to seek out- things that I could not allow to remain in the shadows forever. "I couldn't leave." I clarified.

The atmosphere around us had become solemn, forcing me to lean into Reece- comforted by his protective hold. "I knew you wouldn't leave." He admitted, kissing my jaw before dropping his lips to my exposed collar bone.

His attempt to arouse me and distract from those painful thought was embarrassingly effective. "Is that so?" I breathed, bunching the material of his cotton V-neck into my hands.

Discontinuing his deliberate seduction, he looked at me we wearing a devilish smirk. "I wouldn't have allowed it." He stated. Biting my lower lip, I tightened my grip, knowing damn well that it was the gospel truth.

Pulling my lip free with the pad of his thumb, he cupped my ass. "Ever wonder how you so royally fucked up your finals last year?" Narrowing my gaze, I pulling back enough to fold my arms over my chest.

"Actually, yes. My asshole professor insisted I repeat every single exam in his class this year. I almost stabbed him to death with my pen." My retort was void of all amusement.

Chuckling softly, he rested his solid weight against the vehicle. "I think my guns a little more intimidating, babe." Fighting the urge to smile, my slight annoyance was overshadowed by the delight in seeing Reece's playful side once more. After everything that had transpired between us, I was afraid that it had been lost for good.

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