18. Sick Pleasure

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My thoughts could barely organise themselves as rage and outrage fought to take control. "Max?" Clenching my jaw, I grated the words out. Wrapping his arms around my waist he dropped his head to my shoulder. Flinching at the action I tensed. My eyes covertly scanned for anything I could fashion into a lethal weapon.

My stomach turned, desperate for distance, only any attempt to oblige had the mentally unstable prick securing his hold on me painfully. "Hey beautiful." Kissing the side of my neck he forcefully spun my body to face him- roughly shoving me back against the basins lip. Wincing, I bit down on my tongue as the shattering pain darted from the base of my spine to my shoulder blades.

Studying the empty stalls, I shot a look to the door. "Please do give it a try..." He drawled, craving the thrill of the chase. His pupils dilated in anticipation, his lips curving up into a menacing smirk.

The defiance in me refused to give him the satisfaction. Slackening in his hold, I tiled my head to watch with a concerned look. "A little confused, are we Max?" Cupping the side of my mouth, I leaned in a little closer. "This isn't the little boy's room." Throwing my head back I laughed, mocking his manhood...or rather lack thereof.

Gripping my chin, his fingers pushed my cheeks in violently. Coughing on the sharp release of air, I reached for his throat instinctively. Catching my wrists before I could get my fingers around him, he bent my arm to my back. "Watch your mouth." He growled, cracks of instability beginning to show.

Shooting a look at the door again I began to squirm against his hold. "You better run, Jose won't be so easy to restrain." I warned, struggling to speak.

"He's a little distracted." Smirking, he pressed his lips against mine. The wet sensation of his tongue slipping into my mouth had me gagging. Biting down hard on the muscular organ attached to the floor of his mouth. Crying out, he released me abruptly. Soothing my wrist, I spat out a pool of saliva mixed with the crimson streaks of his injury. The metallic taste hit me hard.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I moved towards the door. "Best keep all your appendages out of my mouth." I scoffed, curling my finger around the door handle; realising then how hard my heart was pounding. Both a mix of adrenalin and fear or...some kind of sick pleasure. The revelation was sobering to say the least.

Feeling his gaze on me, I looked over my shoulder. Half sitting on the counter, he crossed his legs at the ankles. Brushing his thumb over the blood painting his lips, he sucked the finger into his mouth and cleaned it. Savouring the flavour. I felt the acidic flavour of bile rise to the back of my throat. "I'm going to kill him you know." He spoke casually, folding his arms with a shrug. "Reece... he is going to die." Exhilarated by the idea, he shuddered. My free hand flexed at my side. "I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." Puckering his lips, he kissed the air. So, fucking sure of the future he so coveted.

Stiffening, I yanked the door open, shooting glanced in every direction for Jose. Finding him flirting with a group of girls, I stalked towards him. Shoving two brunettes aside, I lifted his shirt- snatching the Glock tucked into his waistband. The group of girls disbanded with frantic squeals, dismissing their genuine terror I shoved Jose back- flipping to march back into the bathroom.

Whether the threat to Reece's life or Max's misguided audacity to stick his tongue in my mouth, emptying a clip into his head was the only thing I could rationalise in that moment. Jose's protests only fuelled my rampage. Tearing the door open, I pointed the gun into the empty space.

My chest rose and fell, as I kicked open each door- only angered further by each vacant stall I encountered. A large hand clamped around my arm, hauling me back. I automatically redirected the gun, to sit between Jose's eyes.

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