22. Maxwell Regal

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Anxiety clawed to the surface of my skin, silence echoed down the hall. The familiar growl of Reece's possessive tone finally replaced the quiet. "I'll never leave her side." He vowed. This was true, if the past seven years had proven anything it was that. Reece was and would always remain my shadow, with or without my approval. 

Maria's voice dropped to a low humourless laugh. "You're a fool. You by her side is a death sentence. You should have stayed away from the start." Bitter and enraged, she continued. "You are selfish, what more does she have left to lose? Her memories, a faded mess. Her freedom or the illusion of what you've made her believe is freedom? Her mother, father and brother? All she has left is her life, and you will take that too." She seethed.

"Ma'am?" Startled by the sudden interruption, I straightened. Tanner observed me cautiously as I lurked in the shadows of my own home. Choosing not to question me, he continued cautiously. Wincing, I nursed my sore limbs. "Would you like for me to call for the doctor ma'am?"

Tensing, I shot a hand out to cover his mouth. "I'm fine..." I whispered, mentally begging him to shut up. My attempt was too little and far too late, the familiar sound of heavy footsteps neared us. Clenching my jaw, I pulled back. "So that phone call, Tanner- you were about to lend me your phone." I rushed out as Reece's shadow fell over me. Nodding in confusion, Tanner quickly obliged- handing me his mobile. Dialling Kevin, I was surprised to reach him within a single ring.

Informing me that he was outside, he offered me an easy escape. "I was just coming to inform you ma'am." Tanner added as I handed his phone back. He too made a swift escape.

My gaze struggled to meet Reece, as he stepped impossibly close. "Annabelle did you-" offering Reece a shaky laugh, I hurried towards the front of the manor.

My mind swarmed with questions. I had always assumed Maria's dislike of Reece stemmed from his violent occupation, but it was far more then that. There was history here, one I'd be sure to learn. Kevin walked through the doors just as I approached.

Wrapping my arms around his middle I pulled him into a tight embrace, gratefully leaning into his lean form for support. "Hey." The relief in his voice broke my heart, I'd never considered the possibility of us ever growing apart- even a little. Wrapping his arms around me, he tightened his hold, forcing me to wince. "I didn't think you'd ever be this excited for a tutoring session?" He breathed, lowering his chin to my head. It felt unfamiliar, almost as though we were reacquainting ourselves, but I had to appreciate his attempt to break the ice. "I missed you too." He breathed.

Closing my eyes, I instantly regretted how far I'd let this go. For a long time, Kevin was all I had. Apart from all the family drama and secrets, I owed him for always being there. Jumping at the gravely sound of an angered throat clearing, I cautiously peeled away from the younger Trammel...turning to face his big brother. Reece stood intimidatingly in wait, arms folded across his chest- practically glaring a bullet sized hole into Kevin's skull.

Before I could whip out a snarky remark at his Alpha-male behaviour, his long arm snaked out to wrap around my waist; hauling my body into his effortlessly. Cupping the base of my neck, his lips immediately dropped to mine in an open mouthed kiss. Strong and demanding, reminding me that all it took was a touch and I would willingly fall to my knees to please this man.

Reaching up to hold his cheek in my palm I submitted to the dominance and power he radiated. Smiling against his mouth, I leaned back. This was him staking claim and warning his younger brother all in one. I couldn't help but feel amused that he still found this necessary. Pleased by my reaction, he reclaimed my heated lips, forcing me to moan. Chuckling, I caught his wrist with my free hand as it, not so subtly, slipped over my ass. "Christ bro, might as well just whip is out and piss on her." Kevin's unimpressed words sobered us quickly. Clenching his jaw, Reece narrowed his eyes towards him.

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