16. Salacious Intensions

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Daylight, streamed through the window- disturbing my peaceful slumber. Reece's warm chest, rose and fell rhythmically. Smiling against him drowsily, I buried my face further into his skin. His scent roused my senses and found myself wanting to devour him endlessly. The large man's rough fingers brushed over my bare back. Curling over his body clutched him tighter. My smile grew as his hand travelled dangerously low, gliding over the curve of my ass. Blinking awake, I lifted my head to watch him. My sudden arousal banishing any exhaustion I'd previously felt. Catching him staring, I cast him an inquisitive look- bracing myself over his chest with my forearms.

His mouth curled into a smile. Smiling wasn't a trait Reece exhibited; I myself had only witnessed what could pass as one a handful of times. This, however, wasn't one of those trademark half smirks, it was innocent but sexy, nevertheless. "What?" I croaked unattractively, finding his smile too infectious not to succumb to.

Placing a kiss in my hair, he breathed in my scent. "Nothing." His raspy response had me clenching my thighs- the twinge of pain reminding me the swelling had not yet diminished. Taking in his gorgeous features I noticed the unmistakable signs of fatigue outlining his lower lash line. The read in his eyes telling me he hadn't slept much, if at all.

Rising off him, I frowned. "Did you sleep, at all?" Surely the man was spent after last night...his unremitting stamina had me counting my blessings.

Flipping me onto my back, he restrained me- locking my wrists above my head. Trailing the tip of his nose down the valley between my breasts, he grinned. "Yeah." His response was embarrassingly unconvincing.

Digging my knee into his muscular torso, I drew his attention back to my face. "You're lying." I pointed out.

Sighing, he lowered his forehead to connect with mine. "I didn't know if- I had to make sure-" struggling to find the words or express them to me he thought for a moment. "-I needed to make sure it was real."

The fear in his voice broke my heart. The fragility of his self-worth cut me deep, knowing I too had a hand in his belief that he wasn't deserving of love. Hooking my arms around his shoulders, I softly ran the tip of my fingers up and down the base of his neck. "What's the verdict?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to assure him.

Swallowing audibly, he stiffened beneath my touch. "It' gotta be a dream." He commented hoarsely, laughing sadly. "I just know I'm going to fucking wake any second and you'll be gone." Pain shattered his features. My lungs strained under the breath I'd held, crushing me in the way his fear had.

"Look at me, Reece." I demanded, gently guiding him back enough to look into my eye. "You are awake." I needed him to hear me. "I love you, always have and always will." If the last seven years hadn't proven that I could never get over this man, than I didn't know what would. Absorbing my words, he dropped his lips to mine in a soft, sensual kiss.

Feeling the prominent jab impressive length dig into my stomach, I moaned. Clenching my thighs together, I shuddered in anticipation. I questioned trying desperately to suppress my laughter. The knowledge that he was just as insatiable as I had pleased me to no end. "Again?" I asked, biting back a smile. "You sure you don't want to replenish-"

Silencing me with more erotic kiss, he clasped my wrist- locking our hands beside my head. Lowering his solid mass over me he ground his erection against my entrance- groaning when my obvious arousal coasted him. "Seven years babe...that kind of sexual frustration fucks with a man's mind." He reminded me how long he'd wanted this and the nightmare that he'd become being denied. Dropping his head to my throat he sucked hard, marking the heated skin with his possession. "Now I've had you...I'll never be able to fucking stop."

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