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'Cling clingg' the bell rang. Just after our tiffin break Ma'am P.Das , our adorable class teacher entered the class with a big smile on her face.
"Good Afternoon mam" the class greeted.
"Good afternoon children, please take your seats and I have a cool notice for you all. Girls, this Friday is gonna be your last working day and after that starts your summer break."
I was so excited with this great news that even by giving my fullest I couldn't concentrate in my history class. Next class was a free period as the library class would start after the vacation. Our library class was a noisy gossiping class. I had a best friends group of four named 'The freaky mouselets'.
Now lemme introduce you to the members:
First is me Puki, the risky mouselet.
Next is Shelly the naughty mouselet,
then Dora, who thinks herself the strongest of all .
Now comes Anny, the unchangeable mighty mouselet. We made frequent get-togethers and day stays at each others house and lived quite near. We always sit together as fortunately we were always in same sections. Anny and Shelly turned round their chairs and faced us. Four of us started planning a place for picnic where only we kids would go.
Dora suggested for the beach which obviously wouldn't be acceptable for our parents.
"Think wisely Dora." said Shelly and others laughed aloud.
"Lets go to the park which is five kilometres away from Puki's House" suggested Anny. "I know it. This park is a large park having all kinds of rides, fountains, pond and a Domino's counter in it. It's less crowded and cleaned on a regular basis."
It was the first time when Anny suggested something and we agreed in a go.
"Yes, it will be a very good time there. But-" I suddenly stopped
"But what?" Shelly asked
"If we are given the permission to go for a picnic without our parents" I said with grief on my face also giving others loss of hope.
After we reached home that day we all started a mission of convincing our parents for our planned picnic on upcoming Saturday, where we would go by ourselves. On Thursday, in the lunch-break period of school we friends discussed what to take for breakfast if anyhow we were permitted to go for our precious picnic. After a lot of quarrel we concluded that our breakfast would be cheese sandwiches by Dory and me, Mango squash by Anny, bananas by Shelly. We decided to have our lunch at the Domino's. Thursday night to me was full of tons of tension. I prayed a lot for our parent's permission and hoped for the best. Friday we all came with good news to school. And guess what my dear readers. Yass! Correct we were finally allowed for our picnic. After returning home we carefully packed our bags with different games, water bottles,sanitizers and other necessary items. I selected a red top, three-quarter denim jeans and snickers to wear the next day. Before going to sleep I wrote a small poem on the picnic that we were going to have.

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