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Not even five minutes passed, we heard continuous nerve cracking barks of dogs. We all bent our heads, stretched our necks trying to find from which direction the noise was coming. "Look friends it's coming from my left " Shelly noticed two dogs near a fountain.
We tiptoed towards the dogs and hid behind a tree. The park staffs didn't seem to have noticed it. The dogs were barking at a particular spot and smelling it as if something familiar to them was buried under the soil. I wasn't scared of dogs and so,steadily I headed for the spot. The dogs were still barking, they didn't give much attention to me. I called Dory, but she said,"Dear Puki, I have fear of dogs. So I am unable to help you."
"Whoever can help me, please come forward." I requested sternly.
Anny loved dogs and she says that dogs do not attack her. She adored the dogs and they gradually went silent. The dogs licked Anny and she sided those cute dogs. I asked my friends to help me dig the soil. It wasn't much deep that we found something shining. I took out my handkerchief and picked up the object with it.
"Woww" Shelly whispered,"It-t-t-ts a- neckl-a-ce."
It seemed to be a very old necklace and the designs on it attracted me.
"Oh look there is something else in the soil" Dory said surprisingly and picked it up gently.
Shelly informed that it was a hanky.
"Ermm so the person who buried the necklace",I went on," by mistakenly dropped his or her handkerchief and buried it with this necklace and-"
"And the dogs might know this handkerchief's owner and so were terribly noisy" finished Anny.
She stole rest of my words.

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