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"Ariella, are you done packing? You should be going to the event on time, even though you begged me to let you go alone." My mother practically yelled at me as she ascended the stairs. Along with an extra change of clothes and some eyeliner, I quickly packed the water bottle into my backpack. I couldn't even find my way around my desk because my room was so disorganised—makeup was all over the floor, clothes were strewn all over my bed, and there were many unfamiliar objects. To say I wasn't anxious to go there by myself would be to lie. Putting on my shoes and sprinting down the stairs, I almost fell over my own two feet. When I heard the last words, "Be careful, Ariella!" I dashed out the door and headed for the train station.

 I was dressed up as a cool character from an RPG horror game, I felt that this would be a great chance for her since I had never seen anyone cosplay her before. My Instagram followers were anticipating to know who I was going to be this time. And this was my first time cosplaying her at a convention so I was a bit nervous. The train was terrible, and I could feel the suckiness on my armpits. Additionally, I neglected to check social media in the morning because I was stressed out so much in the morning. Even though I just had 10,000 followers on Instagram, I still like to make sure that my followers are informed. While a middle-aged man was pressing up against me, it was initially difficult to get my phone out of my bag, but after some struggle, I got it out. I may even make some friends because, as I was scrolling through my feed, I noticed that many other people were attending the same convention as me. At one of these cons, I had always wanted to make friends, but I never had the chance. For the first time, I looked up from my phone and out the window next to me as the train announced, "Now stopping in Forsford! Please mind your step as you exit off the train.".

The arena was very large. It appeared extremely lovely and as though it were made of genuine silver thanks to the sunny weather. The inside of it was the same size as the outside, and it had glass doors and windows. I had never seen it this packed before, and right now the excitement was practically taking over my life. The structure, which reached the clouds, featured whole floors devoted to various stalls, events, and activities. There were stairs leading down multiple stories at once. Then, to further demonstrate how well-liked this location was, there were an absurd number of trains that ran along the outside. Then there were the places to eat, which included tiny cafes and restaurants, as well as the floors with gift and prize stalls.

After taking my tenth picture with a fan, I sighed and dragged my feet across the floor. "This is tiring," I said. After three hours of walking around the building, I still hadn't visited every location. I was beginning to lose it due to exhaustion. However, there were a ton of stunningly beautiful people there, and I couldn't take a photo with them otherwise it would have been a waste. I had talked to a lot of people, and I had even met some people my age who frequently attend large cons like this. There were benefits to being talkative, and this place provided an ideal setting for forming new friendships. Every floor I visited had more people on it than the last. I continued to explore the massive building I was inside while getting lost in my thoughts. I had to move with them, or risk being trampled underfoot if my feet could not keep up. There is a conversation between buyers and sellers, friends old and new catching up. It was certainly busy, but this place wouldn't be the same without the bustle.

But then my attention was drawn to something or someone. I came to a halt and fixed my intense gaze on the individual with silver hair in front of me. It felt strange for me to ask for a picture and to talk to someone so quickly. I walked right up to him without thinking. I couldn't help but be drawn in by the warmth, sincerity, and tenderness of spirit that emanated from his smile. He had stunning electric blue eyes, and his black and white attire complemented his hair. His oversized white shirt was almost hanging off him, and his jorts reached his knees. His face was painted, with a small dot on his nose and thin lines representing whiskers.

"Yes! Of course, you can take a photo with me," he said, and I recognised that he was Silver from Sonic. I quickly reached into my bag for my phone and swung it to include both of us in the picture. I smiled broadly and waved my hands, and he returned the gesture. Immediately after snapping the picture, I asked him, "Do you have Instagram?". As I gave him my phone, I asked him to enter his username. "Thank you!" he exclaimed, taking my phone in his soft hands and entering his username. Before skipping off, he sang, "It was lovely to meet you. Hopefully we see each other again.". He's energetic.

I quickly skimmed the screen of my phone, which he had just handed to me. My eyes take in more light than I had anticipated, and my brain stutters for a little while before I feel like my eyes are popping out of their sockets. 20,000 followers. I tried to get his attention while I was dazed. However, he was already disoriented by the multitude of people.

I looked back at my phone. Angel


Hi guys I hope you liked the first chapter of the story... I decided to bring this book out from the dead that year 8 I wanted to write so it's not gonna be PERFECT. But don't forget to vote and I will probably update this next week it depends

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