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Sitting on the edge of my bed at 3 AM, I sighed heavily as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The dark circles under my eyes had worsened, a testament to the restless nights I'd endured since meeting Angel's new friends a few days ago. Plagued by anxiety, I had thrown myself into extra work, hoping to distract myself. But the relief was only temporary - when I was alone, the fears would come creeping back, overshadowing my excitement in their company.

My hands ached from working the coffee machine late into the night, only for me to return to my bed and lie down. I've been speaking to my close friends, but it's not the same as it used to be, unlike those days long ago when I first met Angel. He's been distant the past few days, which has only made me overthink, convinced he's hiding something from me. It's like he's avoiding me, or we're avoiding each other.

But I miss them.

Seeking a distraction, I knew Angel wasn't okay, yet there was nothing I could do. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I felt utterly useless.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The morning came swiftly, leaving me unsure of when I had fallen asleep the previous night. I lazily rubbed my puffy, sleep-filled eyes and checked the time - it was 9 am, and the bright sunlight filled my entire room.

Without hesitation, my hands reached for my phone, frantically searching for Angel's username. I wasn't sure if it was a panic impulse or a combination of both, but I messaged them for the first time in days. If I hadn't done it right then, I likely never would.

(Messages are underlined)

YAri: Hi Angel, I haven't spoken to you in a few days, are you alright?

Angel: I'm alright! There is no need to worry, just been busy with collaborations

It's now or never

YAri: Oh okay. Also, what would you tell me after the con? You seemed off for a while

The anticipation of his response filled me with dread as if I were inviting misfortune. I was afraid he might find me annoying for prying on him this much, but I was his friend, and I cared. As the minutes ticked by, my hand grew clammy, the message bubble flickering on and off the screen in a maddening rhythm. Yet, transfixed by the screen, I couldn't bear to look away.

Angel: I thought you would ask me this, I'll tell you when I next see you in person. But please try not to worry too much! I'll see you tomorrow Arii

He was thinking of others again, even as I worried about him. I felt guilty for not asking sooner - would he have told me what he was hiding? The guilt gnawed at me, leaving me frozen inside no matter the temperature. I just wanted him to open up, to let his warmth thaw me out. As a child, I had always strived to be perfect, and now I was devastated that I hadn't been.

But I needed to do something productive today, something other than work.

The sudden blaring of my phone startled me awake. Without even checking the caller ID, I quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Ari! Angel told me you're feeling sad," Rafael's voice came through, tinged with concern.

"I'm alright, I-" I began to deny it, but he cut me off.

"So me and Kelly are coming to take you out shopping. We're outside, let us in!"


"Who told you that?" I demanded.

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