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"Ariella that guy has been sitting there for ages" Abby whispered to me, not taking her eyes off the young man sitting on the table alone, not saying a word. I nodded in agreement. She wasn't wrong, he had been sitting there for the past 10 minutes on his phone, not ordering anything. He hadn't even picked up a menu yet. His hair moved in the soft breeze coming from the window, but I couldn't get a clear view of his face from where I was standing.

"I'm gonna go take his order I think" I announced before walking over to the lonely table. Flashing My best smile, I asked, "May I take your order?" The young man seemed frozen for a moment, his eyes unmoving, before breaking into a smirk and shifting his gaze away from mine. With eyes that gleamed with a hint of green, he perused the menu with a bright smile before extending his arm for me to take it back. "I'll have a doughnut, please," he said, grinning and winking at me.

My face turned warm within seconds, leaving me speechless for a good ten seconds. When our eyes met again, the soft expressions from moments before remained. He held my gaze, observing my face, before casually turning to look out the window. With a flirtatious tone, he simply said, "That's all, thank you."

I quickly turned away, avoiding eye contact as I retrieved the menu from the table and walked back to Abby. What's going on with people these days?

Abby kept giving me strange looks for the remainder of my shift; I think it was because of the guy. I was always the one breaking contact first, and he was always watching when I turned to look back at him. She attempted to persuade me that "he's totally into me" and that I should get his number to improve my "social skills.". He seems like the type of person who flirts just for kicks. He was attractive, but I got the impression that he knew me because strangers don't usually study people's faces.

That evening, I had trouble falling asleep. I nearly overworked myself because I stayed overtime to clean the tables. I couldn't wait to see Angel once more and attend another convention. Several people were planning to attend after I posted on social media, but fortunately, it wouldn't be as crowded as the previous one. I rolled around in bed, worrying about tomorrow taking up a lot of my thoughts. What if Angel isn't like how he is online? What if I wake up late? My last thoughts before I fell asleep were this:

things stop being so scary when you realise you're being controlled by fear.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Over the past few days, me and Angel had been messaging nonstop about our plan. We both planned to wear matching cosplays to the con and we were going to meet very early to be the first people there. Me and him had gotten a bit closer now, not enough where I could invite him to hang out outside of cons, but I still felt like he's a very good friend. And it wasn't just me who thought highly of him, the whole of his followers did too. Angel proposed the idea first to wear matching outfits, and honestly, it was a good idea if we wanted people to recognise us. I couldn't wait to see Angel once more. I could use a vacation from work or just to spend more time outside, and now that Angel is here, I can look forward to going to events because I know I'm not alone.

As I woke up my mind swam with a departing dream; I sighed, reluctant to banish it and begin my day. The light of late morning shined into my slowly opening eyes and I brought my hands to guard them. Everything about me felt heavy from my arms to my feet. I let my head loll from one side to the other, eyes closing again as I enjoyed the brief darkness. There is no option to sleep in, I had to meet Angel in a few hours and I couldn't be late for another con. I checked my phone immediately, seeing messages from Angel asking me if I was awake and if I was okay. Excited for the con? Or excited to see him? After I typed my response, he sent a photo, he was already ready, and early as well. Suddenly feeling motivated, I leapt out of my bed and started getting ready.

Luckily I was ready before Angel had arrived. He was coming in through the entrance before the store opened so I had to make sure I was ready to let him. I was sitting down at a table, waiting for a message to tell me that he was there. Salty droplets flowed down my face like soft summer rain, almost onto the flooring. Next time I was going to get changed when I got there, it was my fault for wearing too many layers.

Angel_x: Open up!

I staggered towards the door. Without even checking the message, I wrapped my hands around the lock, slowly opened it and waited. In a brief lull of the Veritas traffic i heard the approaching of footfalls. The door opened a crack and a blue eye peeked out.

A/N: 400 READS!! YAYY Don't forget to vote on this chapter and comment please I appreciate it. AND SOMETHING ELSE - the flowers I use as pictures at the start of each chapter have meanings... 🫢 maybe even hints..

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