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"We'll catch up with you guys outside!" Angel announced to the rest of the group that trailed behind him.

The sun shone brightly through the store windows, casting a warm glow on my face as I stood in line to pay for my things. With his silver hair shimmering like moonlight, Angel turned to me and said, "I'll stay with you while you pay, Ariella."

"Thanks," I replied, touched by his concern. "Is something wrong?"

Angel bit his lip, a sure sign that he was upset about something. "It's just... I was worried when you got separated from the rest of the group. I wanted this day to be special for you."
His words caught me off guard, and my heart swelled at his admission. We continued to wait for the line to decrease in silence, I wasn't sure I could meet his eyes after that. Kelly was right after all.

We both paid for our items, but Angel tugged at my sleeve before we could leave, excitement dancing in his electric blue eyes. "Let's go see what you got! There's a mirror over there." He led me away from the bustling crowd, and my nerves began to fray. He was like a little child in a sweet shop.

"Angel, the others are waiting for us outside. We shouldn't keep them," I said, remembering the annoyance on Kelly's face when Angel was late, but he reassured me with a gentle smile. That gentle smile.

"Come on, it'll only take a minute." His enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. As we reached the mirror, Angel hesitated for a moment before confessing, "Actually, Ariella, I wanted to get you something too."

From his bag, he pulled out a delicate necklace adorned with a tiny charm that matched the one he wore. A blush bloomed across his pale cheeks as he admitted, "Wanted to give you this in here, so you can put it on."

"Angel..." My voice caught in my throat, confused by his sudden shyness. After showing him the shirt I had bought, he gently fastened the necklace around my neck. He hesitated to touch me as if I were fragile glass. I felt his warm breath caress my neck. When Angel stood mere inches away, I paused and became transfixed, basking in the comforting glow of his eyes reflected in the mirror.

After a moment, he backed away, saying, "We should go find the others."

"Finally! What took you guys so long?" Elles intense gaze was fixed solely on me as if the question was meant for me alone and not Angel.

Her eyes bore into me, and I wished I knew what she was thinking, but I didn't.
Angel shared a knowing smile with me before telling a tale about the line being longer than usual.

As our group resumed walking, I spotted a familiar park up ahead. During my previous visit, Alex and I had a picnic here, and she showed me all of her favourite places in the park. And now, I was eager to return to the park and create new memories with my friends. The trees were wrapped in a tapestry of verdant hues. The sweet floral aroma wafted towards me. Children frolicked merrily on the grass, revelling in each other's company. Now seemed like the perfect time to walk through the park.

"Hey, guys," I began, considering suggesting a visit to the park, but my gaze fell on Angel, who was already looking at me. His eyes held nothing but admiration, completely focused on me as though I was the most important person in the world. At that moment, I found myself unable to look away, captivated by the blend of concentration and joy on his face.

I hadn't seen him look like this since the night after the con. His soft white hair flowed in the breeze, covering his eyes slightly.

The sun was starting to set in a pool of crimson and gold, hinting that the day was beginning to end.

Rafael let out an exasperated sigh, muttering "I'm bored," which elicited a chuckle from Elle. The sudden outburst broke the group's eye contact, and I quickly shook my head, trying to regain my composure and rejoin the conversation. As I racked my brain for ideas, I wondered what might help break the silence.

I questioned, "How about the park?" But when I turned to meet their gazes again, I was met with a mix of hesitation from all of them. I felt myself slowly shrinking.

Maybe it's too late for the park?

I stared at Angel, searching for answers, but his eyes held the same pensive expression as before.

"This park gets... weird at night, Ari. It might be best if we head home," Angel reassured me, placing a hand on my shoulder. It was a simple gesture, but his eyes conveyed that there was more to his concern than just the park acting strangely. He seemed to be holding something back, and I searched his face for an explanation but found none.

Rafael let out a long yawn. "I agree, I'm so tired," he said, as he checked his phone and rolled his eyes at a message from Keaton about a movie he had promised to watch.

Soon, the others said their goodbyes and made their way home. I felt very welcomed by Angel's friends, and I even learned that Kelly and Elle work at a game store together, which explained Kelly's extensive knowledge of Zelda.

But Angel had stayed, and we were left alone. "Angel?" I called, but there was no response. I tried again, louder this time, but he still didn't look at me. Instead, he was staring towards the train station, as if lost in thought, zoning out as he often did, probably pondering a new collaboration, video, or event.

"Ah, sorry! I'll walk you to the train station," Angel said, breaking out of his trance. This had become routine - he refused to let me walk alone at night and insisted on accompanying me. As we hurried to catch the next train, that unique glint returned to his eyes, and I knew I was in for one of his "guess what?" stories on the way.

Angel, there are still a lot of things that I don't know about you

A/N: 1.2k?? TY GUYS. don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter. is Ariella getting close to finding out what's bothering Angel?
Today flower means: longing for a certain thing.

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