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As soon as the sun rose, the light filled my bedroom and made me get up earlier than I had planned and the sunny day brought rays with the power to shine through curtains as easily as forest leaves. I didn't have anything planned for today. After all, I was still very tired. I slowly picked up my phone from the desk to check if I had any new messages. That's the first thing I do in the morning: I look at my phone. Then I remembered what Angel said to me yesterday. Part of me somehow hoped that Angel had sent me a message, which he hadn't. However, he had sent me a message first and since it was still very early in the morning, I pushed it aside. It was surprising that someone as popular as him even messaged me. Sighing, I rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.

"Good morning, Ariella!" Abby greeted me as I sat down on a chair in front of the counter. I was just on my lunch break, but I prefer to sit in the cafe rather than the staff room so I can watch the crowd. "Hey, Abby!" I smiled at her. Abby was a year younger than me, but I saw her as a child, even though she turned 18 next year. She was a little ball of energy. She only started working here a few months ago, so she makes mistakes sometimes, but we all have to start somewhere. I took a few more sips of my milkshake and glanced at Abby to make sure she was okay. The ice falls against the glass, my fingers sliding over the condensation before my fingers reach it again. I checked my phone. Still no message. I wasn't sure why this bothered me so much.

I looked at the window to my right. Today the light was strangely bright, casting the birds in dark shadows against a pale blue sky. Their wings beat and hug the air as they float on invisible thermals. They had their eyes on me for a few moments, causing me to fall into a sort of daydream. Then a thin white object fell out of the window. It was the kind of white summer clouds that only exist in dreams. I leaned more towards the window. It was a beautiful white feather.

"Hey!" My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I focused my gaze on the voice coming from the chair next to me. A second ago I could have sworn there was no one in this area, but now a woman is sitting in the chair next to me and smiling at me. She must have noticed my shock before I could hide it because she immediately started laughing. There was the most innocent kind of mischief in her giggles. I looked at her, still trying to regain my composure. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be afraid. "I'm sorry, I wanted to ask if this seat is already taken?" She asked me,

"No, not at all." I beamed at her, still wondering why she chose to sit here and not somewhere else. After all, the place wasn't busy at all. The first thing that came to my mind was that she knew me from the Internet, that was the only explanation. This was the first time anyone approached me in the cafe, aside from to order some food. I drank some more of my strawberry milkshake, looking everywhere else in the cafe but her. Soon enough Abby came over to take her order. She had a slice of carrot cake and a cappuccino.

"So, what's your name?" Do you have any hobbies?" The woman began to speak again

"My name is Ariella! And I work here sometimes with my parents, who are the owners of this shop," I babbled to the stranger

"That's so cool, I've never met anyone who practically owns a coffee shop... My name is Alex by the way," Alex introduced herself. She reached out her arm to me and that was the first time I'd seen her face properly. Her hair was brown like aged mahogany and gently reflected the sun's light. Each strand moved freely in an ocean breeze. Her eyes were sky blue and she didn't break eye contact for a second. I hesitated for a moment before looking at her and shaking hands. A new friendship was formed that day.

After Alex left the cafe, I decided to go upstairs and relax in my room for a bit. Maybe I'll even buy a new cosplay because I've been there for a long time and I didn't buy any more. But that soon came to an end when Angel sent me a message.

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Before I knew it, it was evening

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Before I knew it, it was evening. We must have been talking for hours and I didn't realise it had been so long. After we said goodbye, I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I thought it would be nice to go to another con with Angel or maybe even hang out with him, not to cosplay, but as a friend.


HI GUYS! There is no way I'm on over 100 reads already wtf... Anyway, this chapter was so boring I'm sorry BUT THE CHAPTERS GET MORE INTERESTING FURTHER ON YOU GUYS ARENT READY. I'VE GOT THE NEXT 20 CHAPTERS ALL PLANNED OUT. Also, I know there's a typo in the photo pls ignore it I can't be bothered to go on that fake messaging app again and type it all out

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