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Once more, my hotel room was a mess. I also overslept, so I was going to miss my train. I found out that the cosplayer is a talented guy named Angel. He even occasionally creates his cosplays. Despite having 100,000 followers on TikTok, he doesn't collaborate on videos. I had never seen him before, so I was surprised to learn that he was so well-known. "Water, clothes, and a phone. Alright, I have everything," I muttered to myself as I hurried from the hotel room and down the stairs one more time.

After a hectic two days, I was finally relaxing in my own home, looking through all of the pictures I had taken the day before on my phone. I had just put my wigs back on their stands, packed up all of my clothes, and cleaned my room. Despite being small, I enjoyed my room. It had a large lamp, a pink fluffy rug by my bed, and a white desk that I occasionally use to record videos. After spending a long time editing some of the photos, I messaged some of the people I had met at the convention. My eyes squinted at my phone as I tucked myself deeper into my bed, my room being too bright for comfort—just 3:03 p.m. Except for the well-known Angel, I had messaged every person I had met at the convention. Admittedly, I felt a little afraid. You don't meet someone who likely receives thousands of notifications every day very often. In any case, I wasn't even certain he would have time to respond to me. I had nothing to do and was incredibly bored. Unless I'm downstairs helping out at the cafe, or cosplaying I'm in my room watching something, or just waiting for the boredom to eat me alive.

I decided to assist in the cafe to kill time. While I wasn't close enough to some of the employees to hang out with them outside of work, I was friends with some of them. It's a good opportunity for me to get money for things because I get paid too. After getting out of bed, I went downstairs to the staff room to change into my work uniform. I put my phone carefully in my pocket in case I got a message.

This cafe was as cosy as a well-known film, and it was my happy place. Aromas and talking, a scene that is both constantly changing and staying the same, and a bit of a bit player ambience for everyone. There's a cosy vibe to the coffee shop with its white cups, black coffee, and little jugs of cream. I can kill time and feel like I'm socialising here.

The easy and natural colours, together with the happy chatter and fragrances, make the restaurant feel like a dreamland. I greeted the employees and started taking orders. Time passed more quickly than it ever had, and closing time was almost here. I was moving around a lot less, the cafe was getting less busy, and the number of customers dropped. I was waiting for the next customer while standing by the cash register.

Suddenly, I heard a faint pinging sound that I assumed was coming from my phone. As I whipped my hand covered in caramel on my apron, I removed my phone from my back pocket and quickly glanced at the screen.



It takes a second or two for the message to sink in, even though it's right in front of me. Then I feel my lips stretch wider into a gaping grin and my eyebrows arch for the sky. The famous Angel messaged me. I couldn't embarrass myself now, this was a great opportunity to make a new friend. Opening up the app, I began typing on my phone.


Hii how are you?


Im tired 😞 that con has made me exhausted


SAME. I couldn't even sleep until late and then I nearly missed my train in the morning 😓


Well at least you didn't miss it! I also couldn't help but notice you like Persona?

The cafe vanished into the distance, giving the impression that it was a television that was all around me, and my phone took up all of my attention. I talked about my favourite games, hobbies, and interests as my fingers moved over the keys. Unexpectedly, talking to Angel was a breeze. He texts me in the same manner that he spoke to me when I first met him. He has been cosplaying since high school and lives in Forsford, which is about thirty minutes away. Not long after our chat, Angel tells me he has to go, but he will talk to me tomorrow.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Angel, why did you take so long to answer my call?" Rafael yelled through my screen. I put my phone down carefully on my desk and said, "Because I-"

"I'm kidding! Calm down." He laughed, and I rolled my eyes amusingly. It's hard to continue being angry with him. His screen was completely dark, indicating that the lights in his room were off. His laughter was the only sound I could hear. Asking too many questions at once, he babbled, "Anyways, how was the con? Is there anyone you know? Any famous people?"

"Oh yeah! I met this person called Ariella.", "She seems to be quite talented-," I exclaimed

"You've met Ariella? Like, Ari?" Rafael yelled. I asked him, curious, "You know her?"

"You know, I'm one of her biggest fans—her cosplays are so amazing. Being able to talk to her, Angel should be an honour for you." As he emerged from under the covers, I finally caught sight of his face. His dishevelled brown hair showed signs of a good night's sleep. It was such a coincidence that Rafael, someone who doesn't even attend conventions, knew Ariella.


Hi guys! So, Ariella has a new friend, and who is Rafael? I'm so happy that I've nearly gotten 60 reads and it hasn't even been a week yet. I hope you guys are enjoying this story because next chapter there is going to be an introduction to a new character...

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