Fall Apart

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It was a sunny morning 

September 30th, 2021

We were playing with the flowers 

High up in a tree

Branches that fit our height just right

The clouds that felt like candy

When the rain comes it will turn to dust

When the tree grows over the years it will fall out of place

Out of reach

Or too much in reach, there was no way up

So far down

We could never reach the top again

Every day the cloud would give us a piece of its candy

For months it was delicious

But one day it started tasting like shriveled up leaves

We were high up on a hill

Slowly rolling down

When you reach the bottom you climb back to the top

Until you give up

A date last marked 

'January 4th, 2022'

When fears fall down like rose petals

You'll learn to find new roses

That'll eventually die and fall apart

In the moment, you'll find joy to your rose 

Until it hails

Until ice creeps between its petals

Until it can't stand your umbrella

Can't stand your flower pot

Can't stand your hose

Can't stand how it could bring you joy

Can't stand you so much it falls apart

Daisies on the grassy hill

Rivers that sneak behind trees

When the branches fall

It would drift away with the tide

And maybe you will too

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