We're here together

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We're here together

Only inches apart

But something in my heart tells me

We're still miles away from the start

Of a perminant bond

I can't see you in my tomorrow

Or any time beyond

We're here together

A smile lingers in my eyes

A soft pang in my frozen heart

But some sort of barrier still lies

Closing you out

Pushing your soul away

Because something tells me I'll be better without

Someone in my life dying to leave

We're here together

But not for long

I'll always think you're gonna stay

But you always prove me wrong

Tying my stomach in a knot

Trapping my heart in a net

Everything that lays inside is bound to get caught

We're here together

Even though it pains me to say

You've swept your way in

After I constantly tried to push you away

We're here together

But you're beginning to leave

I'm trying to pull back on your heart

But it was never something you carried on the tip of your sleeve

I'm here alone

Wishing you'd come back

So much for meeting, gaining, and keeping a friend

Because now you're turning into something I lack

Something that made my world crack and begin to attack

We're here together

You're paying no attention to me

When I glare at you from across the room

As for the mental effects you've made me endure,

It feels as though there'll never be a cure

We're here together

Miles away from the start

But something in my heart tells me

We're still only inches apart

Inside Me (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now