Night 2

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"Hey Cream!"

"Miss Amy! What are you doing here?"

Cream was currently at Tails's shack. I knew it was probably because they liked each other. But I wasn't so fixed on them...I was here to visit Sonic of course!

"I was wondering if Sonic was here..?" I asked, attempting to glance behind her shoulder.

"Sorry Amy. Sonic went over to Sally's. He won't be back for a little over a week." I felt my heart literally shader. He had always liked that squirrel, and I don't have anything against her, but I hate that Sonic always chooses her! And for over a week! How am I supposed to go that long without my Sonikku?!

"Oh...okay. Bye Cream." I dismissed her in a melancholy state.

"Bye Amy! Visit anytime!" She hummed before shutting the door.

I just can't wait till night time.


As I walked into the forest again, something felt different. It was different than last night, but maybe that was just because I was unaware of Shadow's presence.

Which I wouldn't mind right now.

Pushing aside those thoughts, I walked over to the grassy spot I had been at from last night. I looked up at the stars and started counting down.










Please work.


"I wish for my lover to come out." I exhaled. I felt giddy when I realized that if this came true, Sonic would come back home and confess his love to me!

"Hmph. You're still trying to attain that Faker?" I yelped as I heard Shadow appear from the distance. He walked up so he stood next to me, still holding a frown.

"He'll realize he loves me when the time comes." I sighed heavenly, imagining all the ways Sonic would confess to me.

"What if that time doesn't come?" Shadow inquired, making my heart drop immediately.

"W-what?! Of course it will!" I stammered, sticking up for my beloved hero.

"Humor me Rose, have you ever considered that maybe Sonic isn't meant to be with you?" Shadow's tone was more aggressive than earlier which confused me. I should be the one that's angry!

"He is! He'll realize it soon!" After these ten days...

"This is pointless." Shadow sighed. I wasn't sure what he was talking about but didn't push any further. Last thing I want is to anger him.

"Hey Shadow, why don't you try the wish thing?" I chuckled. I couldn't possible imagine what strange thing he'd wish for. Probably to be faster than my Sonikku.

"I have nothing to wish for. What I want will come." Shadow stared right at me. It was a little intimidating, but I kept a smile on my face.

"If you say so..." I giggled. What could Shadow want that's going to come true? Maybe he just wants me to finally be with Sonic so I'll leave the forest? That's definitely it.

"What's your love life like, Shadow?" I smirked. I knew he was friends with Rouge and I was genuinely curious if they had ever been a thing or not.

"I'm waiting for someone." Shadow concluded, still staring at the stars.

"You're waiting for the right person?" I asked, raising a brow.

"I'm waiting for this person to love me back." Shadow chuckled. I wasn't sure what he found so amusing but I went along with it.

"Aw, that's so sweet! She's a lucky girl Shadow!" I just loved romance! Even if Sonikku wasn't involved, Shadow was still being a sweetheart!

"Hmph. More like I'm the lucky guy." Shadow smirked, glancing at me. I smiled back, just loving the idea of love.

"Well, I hope it works out for you."

"Me too, Rose. Me too." With that, Shadow and I continued to gaze up at the night sky in a comfortable silence. Once it reached about 1 in the morning, Shadow and I decided it was best to go to our homes.

"Goodnight, Shadow."

"Let me take you back, Rose. I don't want anything happening to you." Shadow walked up to me with no hesitation. Didn't he leave me yesterday?

"I don't want to burden you Sha-"

"It's not a burden. Just come here." Shadow bellowed. I had abruptly approached him as he pulled out his chaos emerald.

With no warning, Shadow wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. It was yesterday. I felt all tingly and stuff. I don't even know why! Sonic never did this to me! It must be his chaos emerald or something. It has to be!


Shadow and I teleported on my front step. He carefully took his arms off me and opened my own door for me. He really was such a gentlemen...

"Thank you, Shadow." I grinned.

"It's nothing to thank me for, Rose." Shadow chuckled, holding his chaos emerald up higher.

"Before I go..." Shadow stopped glancing at his emerald only to pull something from behind his back. I quirked a brow and waited patiently for him to reveal what he held.

A rose came from behind him and he held a smirk on his face as he handed in to me. For some odd reason I felt really hot! I shyly took the rose and dared to look up at him.

"That's so sweet Shadow. Thank you!" I leaned onto him and gave him one of my death hugs I'd usually give Sonic. But instead of pushing me off him, he let me stay on! And he hugged me back! Maybe even tighter than I was!

A few moments later I pulled away and I noticed Shadow's focus on the ground. His cheeks seemed tinted but I couldn't tell since it was so dark out.

"See you tomorrow, Rose." Shadow pulled out his emerald and 'chaos controlled' away. I chuckled before closing the door behind me and glancing down at the rose in my hand.

Were we really going to meet every night?

I guess I don't mind...

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