Night 3

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I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the crowd lessening. I had reached the coffee shop I was supposed to meet Sonic at. I had texted him yesterday about it since he was going to be gone for a while and he reluctantly agreed.

My wish was coming true!

The squirrel would steer clear from my Sonikku and I'd have him all for myself! I had to make sure this date was as amazing for him as it will be for me! I had on a different attire, and others noticed as I entered the cafe. Though, the only one I wanted watching me was Sonic!

I wore a tight light blue dress. It was sleeveless and ended around my mid thigh. I matched it with a light blue headband and white boots. It might be a little overboard for coffee, but anything to impress Sonic!

Except, it had been 35 minutes since our time of meeting had started, and Sonic was no where to be found. I had already ordered my drink and the waiter was growing concerned. Surely she knew I was meeting up with someone with how formerly I dressed.

But he didn't show up.

I gazed down at the table in disappointment. I earned some pitiful looks from people around me which only made me worse. Why would he stand me up again? Doesn't he love me? What am I doing wrong?

A bell rang and another figure entered through the door. My hopes were too high when I assumed it was my hero, but the hedgehog that entered...I didn't mind.

Shadow took no hesitation to sit down across from me and order a cup of coffee for himself. I raised a brow at how intrusive he was being but left it alone. Shadow was a very stubborn hedgehog.

"Good afternoon, Rose." Shadow greeted me formally with a smirk on his face. I smiled in return.

"Afternoon, Shadow! What are you doing here?" I had usually come here once or twice a week and I had never noticed him here was a strange sighting.

"I noticed you were sitting alone. Why is that?" Shadow seemed intrigued. He would probably be left disgusted after what I was about to tell him. He never really liked Sonic.

"I was supposed to meet Sonic here but he never showed up..." I sighed, upset by his actions. Couldn't he just give me a chance?

"Faker's an idiot. Don't let him bother you." Shadow grunted. His mood shifted at the mention of Sonic. I still didn't understand why...

"He can just be so frustrating sometimes! I don't know how much more I can take."

"Don't." Shadow concluded. Did I hear him correctly?


"Don't put up with him. You shouldn't chase someone around who doesn't deserve you." Shadow didn't break eye contact with me once. I was a little hurt by his words but I knew they were meant to compliments.

"It's not that easy." I rubbed my temple.

"You'll find someone else who can give you the kind of love you deserve." Shadow gave me a smile. I blushed at his words...but maybe he was right. Still, that doesn't mean I can't wish at the stars for Sonic!

"Thanks, Shady." I slurped onto my coffee.

"Shady?" Shadow chuckled. I looked away in embarrassment as I remembered Shadow hated nicknames.

"Sorry Shadow-"

"It's fine, Rose. I like it." Shadow grinned back at me. I simply nodded my head in response as I was too embarrassed by my actions.

"See you tonight, Miss Rose." Shadow kissed my hand and flashed me a charming smile before he walked out of the cafe. I blushed madly at his gesture. Sonic was never man enough to do that...

Since when was Shadow so nice?!


I headed back towards my usual spot at the forest. At this point, it was no surprise than I ran into Shadow. He was sitting down on the grass staring at the stars. I wonder if he's trying the wishing thing as well?

"Hey Shadow." I sneaked up from behind and plopped down beside him. Shadow turned to face me with a small smile on his muzzle.

"Nice to see you again, Rose." Shadow smirked.

"You too..." I paused, "I never thought to ask this but, what do you even do at G.U.N?" Half of me was actually curious, the other half was trying to spark conversation.

"It depends. Mostly, we go on missions to save others or an item. Though, not all missions are good." Shadow whispered the last part, earning a raised brow from me. Why would he work for a company like that?

"Why?" Shadow glanced at me, not angry but confused.

"Rouge mentioned something to me about G.U.N. I was wondering why she said it." This was true. Rouge told me the other day I'd be a good G.U.N agent, I just wanted to know what I was signing up for.

"What'd she say?" Shadow said a rather stern tone.

"She said I'd make a good agent." I huffed proudly.

"As good as you'd be, I wouldn't like you to become one. It's a dangerous job."

There goes my confidence.

"But you and Rouge do it." I argued.

"Yes, but I don't want you getting hurt. Rouge was already a agent before we were ever acquainted." Shadow shut his eyes, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Hm. I guess I could just stick to kicking Eggman's butt for now." I giggled, earning a reassuring smile from Shadow. His mind was back at ease and he relaxed his tense shoulders.

"Did Faker ever message you about his decision to ditch you?" Though his words were rather harsh, I knew he had the best intentions. Still, it hurt to hear.

"No...I don't even know what to do anymore. If Sonic isn't my true love then who is?"

"Hmph. He may be closer than you think, Rose." Shadow chuckled. Did he know something I didn't? Did someone like me? Who? Knuckles? Silver?

"Do you know of someone?" I asked with my peak interest.

"As a matter of fact, I do. They've been waiting for you to get over Sonic." Shadow's smirk remained. Which is probably the most I've seen of it...ever.

"Really?! Who!?" I jumped up and down in eagerness. I'm not sure how I'd feel about this mystery person, but maybe I'd help with my Sonic situation! Maybe I better start looking after all.

"That can't be shared until the 10 days are over." Shadow shushed me with his finger. I shyly nodded in response and looked back up at the sky.




Please, Sonic love me.




Somebody love me.





"I wish for my true love to come out."

Shadamy 10 NightsWhere stories live. Discover now