Night 6

365 13 3

Today had been more stressful than usual. Sonic had been ironically chasing after me all day and I'd been getting nonstop calls from my friends.

I decided to ignore it, though. I really wasn't sure what to think anymore and I didn't want my decision affected because Sonic was here.

I made my way to my usual spot and waited for Shadow to come.


I haven't really thought about how unusual this was, have I? I knew for a fact, Shadow didn't usually act like this towards anyone. So, what changed for me? That question remained unanswered and I was afraid I never would get it.

I mean, I'm grateful to have a friend...but was he? Last I heard, Shadow wasn't very social and preferred being alone than with others. So why was he hanging around me?

Better yet...why do I like it so much?

It was about an hour before I head to the spot under the stars. I honestly don't even know why I go anymore. I wasn't crushing on Sonic so much and I didn't really have a motive...

Maybe I went for Shadow?

Or maybe I really do just want to find true love...but I never would've imagined that being possible without Sonic being in the picture.

Sighing, I cautiously stepped out my apartment to go meet up with Rouge. I wanted more details about this 'star situation' and I was eager to know what day my wish starts coming true.

About 10 minutes later I reached Rouge's apartment. Part of me was curious if Shadow was there. I knew they were friends and he used to crash there a lot, so maybe he'd answer the door? Why am I thinking about this so much?

"Hey, gorgeous!" Rouge swiped the door open, smirking at me.

"Hey Rouge! Can I come in? I have a few questions about that star legend you told me."

"Sure thing, hun. I'm not doing much anyway." Rouge stepped to the side to let me in. I nodded in response as she led me over to her kitchen.

"Would you like anything?" She asked as I sat down on one of her stools.

"Could I have water, please?"

"Yeah. So, what did you want to know?" Rouge grabbed a glass of water and placed it onto the counter. I took a few sips before setting it back down and answering.

"When do the wishes start coming true?"

"When you wish for them." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Like even the first night?" My tone was higher than usual.

"Yes...But it's not complete until the last night." Rouge squinted her eyes at me.

"What do you mean?" I raised a brow.

"Each night, your wish slowly pieces together. But it doesn't come true until you've done it for ten nights in a row." Rouge explained, taking my empty glass and throwing it in the sink.

"Really? I've noticed no difference with my wishes each night." I slouched.

"Your wish was for true love, right?" Rouge smirked as my eyes widened.

"H-how do you know that?!" I stammered.

"Oh, Shadow spoke quite a lot about it! Honestly I think it was the most I heard him say in my life." Rouge and I broke into a fit of laughter before I began to digest what she said. Why was he talking about this to Rouge?

"Anyway...I think your little wish is closer than you think." Rouge winked. Before I could answer, someone came bursting through the door, interrupting our conversation.

"Hey Rouge! Do you think Ro—" The two of us turned around and were met with none other than Shadow the Hedgehog.

"Amy? What are you doing here?" Shadow spoke softly.

"She wanted to talk to me about her wishes. What are you doing here, gloom and doom?" Rouge wiggled her brows. Shadow grunted as he stepped into the kitchen and sat next to me.

"I was going to ask you about something, bat." He spat.

"Ask away, hun." Rouge waved him off.

"I can't." He responded curtly. I was confused until I realized it was probably because I was here. Didn't he trust me?

"Ohhh! I know what you mean~" Rouge chuckled, "Hey Amy, you should probably get going for your star thing, right?" Ouch.

Why did that hurt?

"Um...yeah. I guess. I'll see you around." I stood up, melancholy. Rouge simply said goodbye, but Shadow watched me carefully.

"I'll see you there, okay Rose?" Shadow spoke calmly as he looked at me guiltily.

"Okay..." I sighed before shutting the door behind me.

Were they going to trash talk me?

I couldn't help but feel insecure. Maybe I was starting to annoy Shadow...and he didn't want to accompany me anymore. I seem to have that affect on a lot of people...

I drowned in my own hurtful thoughts until I arrived at my spot in the woods. I sat down on the grass, glumly, and looked up at the sky. Which felt surprisingly more lonely than usual.

I took a deep breath before starting my countdown.




Please, I don't want to be alone...



Send someone to love me...




It doesn't even have to be Sonic!



"I wish for my true lover to come out." I don't want to be alone.

Nothing. Crickets. I shut my eyes and let the thoughts flood in my depressed state. I had truly never felt more alone in my life. Maybe I should've just forgiven Sonic...

Suddenly, as I wallowed in my own self-pity, I felt my back hit against something or rather someone. Arms slowly wrapped around my back and abdomen, as they enwrapped me into their arms and body.

I knew who it was when my head hit chest fur.

"Shh. Don't be upset, Rose. You don't have to be alone anymore."

He heard that?

I sniffled and nuzzled into his chest fur further. Shadow took this as a sign to cling onto me tighter as I completely leaned on him.

"It's fine..."

"Don't cry."

"I'm here..."

He continued to murmur sweet nothings into my ear as he soothingly rubbed my back. I finally stopped shedding my tears and relaxed into his gentle touch.

"S-Shadow..." I whispered.

"Yes, Amy?"

"Thank you."


"I'd do this any day, Rose."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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