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A bump sounds from outside of her bedroom.

Kauvara awakes suddenly, her hand reaching instinctually towards the edge of her pillow where her dagger was hidden below.There shouldn't be any servants in here, at least not at this time, so late that the moon still hanged heavily in the sky. Not without her knowing. Whoever was outside in the common area, was an intruder.Snatching the dagger expertly from beneath her pillow, Kauvara stepped lightly out of her canopy bed, the only sounds the swish swish of her silk nightgown. Her midnight dark hair fell around her giving her skin a translucent, pearly qualitySilently opening the door, just enough so that she could slide through, Kauvara stepped out into the common room.Everything was quilted in shadows, making it hard for even the glimmering moonlight just outside the window to pierce it. No, this wasn't regular darkness, someone had summoned this unearthly murk.So I'm dealing with at least one intruder, who is a sorcerer. Is this an attack then? Click, click, click...The clear sound of dress shoes resonated from across the room as Kauvara crouched low against the floor, eyes scanning the room for any movement. She wasn't sure whether this magicked darkness made it so the intruder could see her and not her them, but she didn't want to take any chances."Oh Ary, how far you have fallen."Kauvara froze at the pet name and the familiar voice above her that had said it. A gleam of silver eyes."Father would be so disappointed if he saw you like this. Has it been so long since the last time you've needed to use your instincts, so long that dare I say, you've gotten soft." The voice is farther away, a few paces to her left.Moonlight briefly flashes off inky black hair."At least I do not hide behind shadows and words," she gets up from her crouch and deftly transitions into a defensive stance as she listened from which direction his reply would come from next, "Come out, and face me. Its no use trying to hide."A soft laugh. "Ah, this is why your my favorite sibling. Bold and straight to the point. " The shadows roiled and shifted until it revealed a young man similar in height to Kauvara. Similar in almost everything that if they wore the same clothes and if he had grown out his hair, they would be identical.His lips tilted into an upward smirk, his eyes gleaming in a malicious fashion, a face Kauvra herself often wore."Hello sister."

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