Chapter Ten

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"I don't think so," she said, arms crossed. Now it was her turn to smirk.

"What," he said his voice dangerously curt. She snorted, a thing she didn't often do.



"It seems you've forgotten. Probably since, 'Honor doesn't get you very far in the Spirit Realm.'" She stood up and picked up one of his soldiers on the front lines. She turned it over to see the golden painted crown on its foot.

"Ah, you're a risk taker," she said in appreciation and set it back down. Then she turned back to him.

"Kapuuku. Rule of honor. I don't know how you play Taito here but in Keeves, it is forfeit to make a move with your opponents back turned or otherwise, distracted. So by making a move while I was otherwise occupied, you initiated Kapuuku. Meaning I win, and you lose. "

"Except that's not how we play it here princess. And right now you're in the Spirit Realm, not Keeves. So it's my win. Now sit. "

A mad glint entered her eyes. She curved her lips into a smirk.

"Do not presume to command me. It is my win. "

Now he was standing leaning across the table, a dangerous light in his eyes to match hers.

"Sit. "

"I deny your request. "


"I call it a draw, " sighed Reimis exasperatedly from his corner. Kauvara turned and watched bemused as he sipped an amber liquid from a glass. She had forgotten he was even there.

He continued, "As this girl," Kauvara bristled at that, "Had no way of knowing how we play Taito and you Nox, hadn't realized the way she played it, it would be unfair to call it anything but a tie." Satisfied with himself, he took a another sip of his beverage and leaned against the door.

"Wait a da-"

Reimis waved his hand dismissively at Nox, seemingly pissing him off more.

"What do you want me to do Nox. Like I said, it would be unfair to call it into any one of your favors."

"Isn't fairness and justice Jebels job," Nox said mentioning the goddess of justice and balance.

Reimis snickered and raised his amber filled glass, as if in preparation to say a toast, in her direction.

"What do you say? Wanna call it a draw?"

Kauvara was left in the black room by an ill tempered Nox and a bouncy Reimis. He had only told her to wait a moment as they went to prepare some things.

Perhaps it was just the room but it felt as if the time they were gone was not merely moments, but hours.

When the door opened, Kauvara stood abruptly up from her chair as Reimis slid his arm into hers and marched her out of the room.

"Where are we going," she asked blinking madly at the brightness of her new environment.

The halls of this place were very different from the black room. The walls were floor to ceiling windows that showed the dreamily pink painted sky fading into a dark plum shade. The floor was a lovely polished bronze color of wood.

Again, Kauvara wasn't impressed. To others it would seem as if royal life as a once favored princess had spoiled her greatly.

Kauvara liked to think she had high expectations. And if anything, that those expectations weren't built on a vain and flimsy basis like materialistic ideals.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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