Chapter Six

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"Lucky for you, my ancestors love sticky buns almost as much as me," she said while taking a wooden board from a cupboard and assembling the dough into nine medium sized balls. Then, she stoked a fire in her woodstove and once the fire was hot enough, slid the board into the stove.

"Follow," Ohmiwa said simply and shuffled into the small common room adjacent to the kitchen. Kauvara slid down the table leg and followed her, close on her heels.

Ohmiwa flopped down onto her creaky old armchair with a satisfied sigh and Kauvara stayed where she was on the carpeted floor.

If that old hag steps on me...

"Now, I have 15 minutes to teach you how to survive in the Spirit Realm. Hopefully if you're smart enough, you just might come out of there unscathed and back in the body of a spoiled brat." Kauvara hissed at the remark and Ohmiwa only hissed back.

Will you not be coming with me Ohmiwa. Though she asked, Kauvara could already see the answer plain in the witch's face. She did not know why the thought saddened her, especially because it was Ohmiwa. But the witch had been as much as a mentor to Kauvara as much as she had been annoying. Without a guide like her, Kauvara didn't know where to start.

Ohmiwa looked at her with a mixture of pity and sadness, a combination she did not often see the old woman express.

Her voice was soft, "Aye princess. I have duties in the mortal realm. You will have to go about this journey without me. But you wont be alone," the hag winked, "I have a student that'll be able to help you. And don't worry. I have instructions for them to meet you once you arrive."

Kauvara nodded, relieved at the thought she would have some help in finding the cure she needed. But then another thought came to her.

What about me? I wont be able to do much as a snake, and as much as I appreciate the help of your friend, I would also like to do some work on my own, without needing to rely on them.

Ohmiwa chuckled, "Independent as always, aye. It'll be the death of you ya' know," Kauvara huffed and Ohmiwa chuckled again. leaning back and rubbing her chin with a withered hand.

"If I remember correctly, spirits could shift interchangeably between their human and animal forms in the spirit realm. Perhaps it'll work for you."Kauvara sighed. She hoped Ohmiwa was right. She hasn't been wrong very often in the time Kauvara had known her. But when it came to the tricky Spirit Realm, Kauvara needed to be absolute in her knowledge.

Ohmiwa narrowed her eyes practically seeing Kauvara's mind running in circles and over thinking. "Aya, you worry too much. You'll see, everything will resolve itself in the end. But, " Ohmiwa's voice deepened, taking on a serious tone that Kauvara knew meant she should pay attention closely.

"There are three rules you must always follow in the Spirit Realm. Now, I know your mama used to tell you stories. A good woman she was, one who knew the stories of old were just as important as any weapon or spell of magic." Through Ohmiwa's spiel, Kauvara's face didn't shift at the mention of her mother.

Ohmiwa frowned, though Kauvara couldn't tell whether it was of disappointment or something else. But before Kauvara could fully interpret it, Ohmiwa moved on.

"Let's see if you remember. Now tell me little one, what are the three most important rules for a mortal to remember when they enter the Spirit Realm."

Kauvara didn't answer. Whether she knew the answers or not wasn't important. She wouldn't give Ohmiwa the satisfaction of making her reminisce of times spent with her mother.

"Kauvara. " Ohmiwa's voice was stern, a hidden warning in the way she said her name, but still Kauvara did not answer.

Ohmiwa gave an exasperated huff, "Fine little one, I will give you one answer. No bargains. With any spirit, god, demon or otherwise. Those of the Spirit Realm are a tricky sort and so are their promises. They will find some way to ensnare you in their bargain, even if you come up with the terms yourself. So I suggest while you're there, you steer clear of any and all promises. "

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