Chapter Three

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“Father,” Kauvara addressed the King as soon as all the councilors had left.
“Kauvara,” Aramis replied just as evenly, a weary sigh he let out fogging the windows beneath his breath.

They were standing at the tall, floor to ceiling glass windows that served as a view into the courtyard, past the palace gates, and over the rolling hills into the Upper District, a place where wealthy merchants traded and middle to upper class folk gathered to talk about the days success’ and troubles.

Kauvara had only been outside the palace walls a couple of times in her life, both with permission and by sneaking out. But she could remember vividly the smell of fragrant spices and perfumes, the wonderful unfamiliar wares that were sold, enticing even her, the loud yelps and squawks of animals, exotic and local. She could remember the street performers that played their loud drums and bended their bodies into extreme proportions.

It had felt like everyday was a festival.

She glanced at the burly figure just two feet away from her and thought how ridiculous they must look to people looking in from outside. A 5′7" princess standing next to what you could call a giant.

Shaking her head inwardly at the thought, she continued to stare out the window when she asked the question she had been waiting months for a response too.

“Have you decided whether or not I will compete this year father.” Though she tried to look unconcerned about his answer to this potentially life-altering question, it took everything in her not to tense her shoulders and ball the aquamarine fabric she wore in her fists.

Another weary sigh. Though not many recognized it since they were too focused on his violent side, her father, King Aramis the third, also had a rather melancholic side to him. Probably it was that side that had wooed Duke Hereses’ sickly daughter, Janisia Vermes to his side in the first place. A marriage without political benefit was nearly unheard of for a ruler of Keeves especially as many expected the King to take things such as love frivolously. And so many believed it was a show of his power, that it was to show he made the laws and he was in control.

But Kauvara knew it was indeed love that made the Bloodied One choose Janisia as his Queen. She had seen their love for each other in stolen kisses when the queen was still alive. And though they had not always agreed, Queen Janisia had always supported the King.

Maybe Queen Janisia’s succumbing to her illness had broken a piece of the King.

Inwardly she scoffed at the idea. She would never let another person get emotionally close to her like that.

Love is the most dangerous game to play, he had often told her.

And he lost at that game he called love.

“I will let you participate in the Crowning,” shock must have been worn plainly on her face as she whipped around to face Aramis.

Quickly she bowed, “Thank you your Majesty. I will not disappoint you again.” Though none of her family was affectionately forward with each other, at the elation she was feeling, she was sure she could hug him, a thing she had only done until she was of three.

“But,” the Kings guttural voice once again interrupted her thought process, “I have not allowed you because I believed you could win, I am allowing it to get you under control.”

Confusion and a low steady fury ignited on hearing his words.

“Under control, your Majesty? I am not sure I fully understand.”

“I think you know what I mean when I say under control Kauvara Seton," he turns his full attention on her and in his eyes, Kauvara could see just how furious he was.

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