Chapter 29

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The chaos were the staff and the guards that were on Tabman's ship. Ophelia was so happy to see them there she was smiling so hard. She was finally going to get out of this place and off this planet.

The excitement had Ophelia glued to her spot; she wanted to wait by the door so she could leave.

"Ophelia there you are. We need to get you into a safe place." Phoebe said to her.

"She is not staying here. She needs to get on the ship waiting for her." Jophina came and grabbed her arm to move her to the direction she needed to go.

"She can't leave the master-." Ophelia gave her eyes of pleading.

"I don't belong with him. If you want to come with me please do, but I will not stay here." Ophelia told her. She turned to make sure she followed Jophina to where she wanted her to go. Weaving through all the other bodies that were throughout the house to get to the spot they needed to be. They got to the doors that lead to the garden. Jophina opened the door and there was a ship crushing all the plants. The hatch was open for people to get on and off the ship. Jophina started up the walk to get inside. Ophelia followed after her.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ophelia was yanked back by Leo who surprised Ophelia. She thought he was still gone.

"Away from you." She pulled herself from him and kicked him. It didn't do much but it did make him angry at her. He lifted his hand and hit her across the face. He went to do it again when a guard from Tabman grabbed ahold of his wrist.

"You have made the worst mistake of your life." He twisted his arm and pushed him to the ground. Once he was on the ground the guard took off his helmet to reveal Adrik. Ophelia stared at him. "Sorry I'm late." He smiled at her.

"I just want to get out of here." The only thing Ophelia could say. She wanted to get on the ship and off the planet away from Leo.

"We will just head into the ship. I will be there soon." Ophelia looked down at Leo who was struggling to get up and his nostrils flaring. She moved inside with Jophina. Jophina pushed her into another room and closed the door on her. Once the door closed all outside sounds from the room were shut out. With that Ophelia was confused on why she needed to be in a soundproof room.

The time moved by and it felt like it was taking forever for anyone to come to the room. After a while Ophelia wanted to get out of the room but couldn't figure out where to open the door. Ophelia started to panic and banged on the door hoping someone would hear her. It did nothing and she was still in the room.

A while later the door opened and Adrik was standing in the middle of the doorway. He held out his hand for her to take. Ophelia walked over to take it. When she got closer to him she could see the smudge of blood in spots that it looked like he tried to remove but didn't get all of it.

"Adrik you have blood on your-." Ophelia didn't finish.

"Things needed to happen. It was the only way to keep him away." He told her. Ophelia realized that they had been killed and she figured it was more than just getting rid of Leo. Her heart sank thinking that Phoebe was one of the many they got rid of. "Everyone who was not a guard for that mad man was set free."

They moved to the cockpit. Adrik sat in the pilot seat next to one of his guards. There was an open seat that Ophelia went to sit in. After a few moments they were in the air heading for space.

Once they were out of the atmosphere and away from the planet, Adrik got up and patted the guard on the shoulder. He reached for Ophelia's hand and they went out to the rest of the ship.

"Adrik, can I ask you something?" Ophelia asked him, enjoying having him near again.


"Phoebe, the girl who took care of me." She waited for him to nod. "Did she board the ship?"

It took him a few minutes before he opened his mouth to speak. "She did not. She tried to protect Leo and was killed."

Ophelia took a sharp inhale. She was too shocked to fully process.

"But I thought."

Adrik turned and moved her to look at him. "Josephine said that she was a spy for him. Everything that was said or done she reported back to him. She also was a side piece to him and hoped that he would be with her."

"I. I."

"I know it's a shock for you, but please don't feel too terrible. You have a huge ship full of friends who have been missing you."

"What about Ulyssa?"

"She's gone. I sent her away."

"But she told me at a ball-."

"She had already been removed. We are together now and we have a full future to think about." Adrik kissed Ophelia with the passion they had shared when she was blindfolded and didn't know who he was.

She was content and ready for a future with him and the friends she had made.

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