2:My Past

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This chapter won't be that long either. Thanks for reading.

P.O.V {Midnight/Twelve}

[Flash back]

6 years ago

Running down the long corridor of my childhood home, I stop in front of my fathers office door. The door was huge, but that was when I was eight and 4,5. Knocking on the door I don't wait for a response as I open the door and rush to my fathers desk.

"Papa, papa. Look, see I finally drew a butterfly without squiggles." Little me said smiling so big you could see I was missing my two front teeth.

"Hmm," is all he responded with. He didn't even spare me a glance.

"Papa look, see, butterfly," I pressed on trying to at least earn a bigger reaction, while moving my drawing closer for him to see. Nothing happened, he just kept typing on his computer and occasionally shuffling through papers. 

"Papa loo-" but he cut me off.

"Midnight I don't have time for this." He said running his hand through his hair. 

"But it's jus-" again. 

"MIDNIGHT I SAID I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR FOOLISH GAMES NOW. GET. OUT. He said harshly. Pushing me just hard enough for me to fall on my butt. Tears sprang to my eyes but I didn't let them fall, for fear of my father yelling at me again. I took my drawing and quickly got out of there. As I turned down the corner I bumped into someone, I fell for the second time. Looking up I saw my older brother Ethan. He looks down at me and glares, he bumps into my small body which makes me fall back into the wall scratching my nose.

"Watch where you're going." He says angrily.

"I'm sorry" I whispered as I saw Ethan move towards fathers office.

Running back down the hallway I run to the library that's been blocked off ever since mother died of cancer. Pushing the door open I almost fall forward. Looking around I pick up How to Kill a Mockingbird, one of my personal favorites, mother used to read it to me. I take it and walk over to the fluffy chair and snuggle into my mothers old throw blanket. 

I fell asleep reading, but awoke to  yelling. Quickly putting everything back into place I swiftly make my way out of the library and down the hallway towards the yelling. It was coming from the kitchen. I stayed by the entry way and ease-dropped on whoever was in there yelling.

"That little devil stole my jewelry and broke them." Sara, my step mother said.

"It's okay we can get you others," my father said sweetly.

"Do you know how much these were, no I don't think you do." She said sadly. "I want her punished for breaking my stuff and at the most kicked-out." She yelled at my father. Sara then starts to fake cry. I hear my dad and brothers comfort her. I was about to walk away but I saw Rachel my step-sister coming towards me stomping her feet. 

A minute went by of her staring at me until she raises her hand. My first thought was,' she's going to smack me'. I flinched back and cowered away from her hand waiting for it to hit, but the impact never came. Peering through my hair I watch as her hand comes down in a swift motion and smacks her face. HER FACE. 

I stood there shocked for a few seconds and snapped out of it when I saw her fall on the ground fake crying, more like screeching. That didn't matter, what did is that my father, brothers, and step-mom hurriedly ran out of the kitchen to see Rachel on the ground sobbing and me standing in front of her. Turning my head I meet my fathers gaze which hardens. His once poker face turns into one of anger. I realized what was going to happen, this was going to get blamed on me just like mothers death.

"Father I didn't do it I pro-" I was cut off when someone smacked me across the face. Tears crowded my vision. I watch as my dad picks up Rachel and cradles her in his arms asking her if she was okay. But what about me? I didn't do anything to deserve this.

"Aiden take Midnight to her room and lock it." My fathers voice booms through the house as he walks away.

Aiden stomps his way over to me and tightly grips my arm and starts dragging me to my room.

"Aiden, please, Aiden I promise I didn't do anything I swea-" I was cut off yet again as Gabriel slapped me harder than father did.

"I wish you died instead of mother." He coldly said.

Aiden basically threw me into my room and shut the door locking me in.

This was just the start of the terrible events that happened in this once happy home, if only Mama was still alive. Maybe it would be better if I was gone.

Days went on with my brothers picking on me. Having to fend for myself. Nobody was going to help me and I learned that the hard way.

Everyone in my house hold despised me even some of the maids. They would secretly give me old food, not wash my clothes, and they even went far enough to cut off the hot water from the  bathroom I use.

Occasionally Sara and Rachel would visit and punish me for being a spoiled brat even though I never once asked for anything, not even once. I thought if I behaved everything would go back to normal.But no. Nothing changed. 

I was a child who was forced to grow up due to the environment I grew up in. 

They aren't angry with me, they say. But every time their voices scream mean words I can't help but wonder if they would be better off without me. 

My mothers last words to me echo through my head.

"Be strong..." easy to say but hard to do. How was I supposed to be strong if I don't even know what that feels like. So I did the only thing I could.

I ran away from my problems and everything that bothered me. Leaving only a note behind.

But I became stronger than my younger self ever was.

Became fearless against things younger me was scared of.

Became a new person who could never be hurt like before.

Me. Not Midnight. But, Twelve.


Second chapter hope you liked it. 

Still don't know if she should have a love interest.

Next chapter will be up soon 


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