What does running away mean? It means too 'leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something. To leave home especially. But why do people run away? People tend to run away for a lot of reasons such as abuse, assault, and family problems, or maybe...
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Colby Fry: 15 years old. Just joined the group. Loves stealing and eating pancakes. Basically any sweet food. Has a crush on Rylee. Don't know what happened to him yet.
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Matt Anderson: 13 years old. Loves talking and hacking into random peoples bank accounts. Is very protective of his family. He ran away from his grandparents because his aunt tried selling him for money.
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Rylee Adams: 14 years old. Has a crush on the new boy Colby. Likes annoying Twelve. Loves shopping and baking. Is best at getting information by using her charms. She was kicked out for yelling at her mom.
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