9: Visitors

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P.O.V {Midnight/Twelve}

"Who is she?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Guys her ankle is broken. Shouldn't we drop her off at the hospital?"

"Are you dumb? Why don't we just bring her home, we can have Em take a look."

"Em isn't a real doctor."

"You seem to forget that she patched my bullet wound up. It heeled with no scarring."


I immediately opened my eyes. But regretted doing so, when the bright florescent light shined into my eyes. 

"I think she's awake." Someone stated.

"You think." Someone else remarked.

Looking up I was met with the dark brown eyes of a strange boy with a crooked nose. His curly blonde hair bounced when he leaned over to look at me.

"Can you back the fuck off, I think my eye balls are going to shrivel up and die from your rancid breath." I said. 

"Feisty, I like her. Can we keep her?" Another boy begged. But I couldn't see him since he wasn't in my line of sight.

"Keep me? I'm not a fucking dog." 

Putting my hand on the couch, I pushed myself into sitting position. Which made me see stars. Clutching my head I tilt forward and rest my forehead on my knees. 

Using the couch for support I stand up. 

"What mafia are you from?" I asked nose boy.

"Mafia? We're not in the Mafia." Nose boy said nervously.

"I'd know that mark anywhere." I said starring at the very detailed rose tattoo on his upper left arm.

"Listen girl. I don't know what crazy delusions are going through your head right now, but we're not apart of any mafia." At the sound of that voice I looked up faster than the speed of light.

This boy... 

The scar above his right eyebrow. His dark blue eyes that seem to be deeper than the ocean itself. With his new freshly shaved hair. But what brings it all together is his thick, profound Russian accent. Aleksei Chernoff. First and only son of Dmitrir Chernoff.

"So Dmitrir Chernoff is not your leader? Or in your case, Aleksei. Father?" I asked. Loving the look of shock that now presented itself on his face.

"How do yo-," 

"I'm sorry Russian mafia prince but I have places to be, and here is not one of them." I said cutting him off.

Taking my hand off the couch I limp to what I presume is the exit door out of this apartment. Opening the door, it's immediately slammed by someone. 

"It seems to me Alek, that you want me to stay for a little while longer." I said, while trailing my index finger along his jawline. I'm pretty sure he was affected by my touch, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. My face merely an inch from his face, our noses almost touching.

While he was stuck in his daydream I backed away and quickly opened the door and limped out of the room as fast as possible. Exiting the building I was about to walk across the street but a hand planted itself on my shoulder. Sighing, I turned around and looked up.

"Thought you could get away from me that easily?" Aleksei said.

"Look, I need to go home and fix my ankle if you don't mind." I said irritated.

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