8: "Who are you?"

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Silence enveloped the cramped space of my brothers forest green mustang. As we drove down the highway at the high speed of 95.  

After the fifth time of trying to start up a conversation with me, Silas gave up.

We left the house and hour early, wanting to get away from my wretched excuse for a family. Since I've moved in I haven't had a moment to myself. Someone is either trying to see what I'm typing on my phone, or bugging me when I make my own food. The list gos on. 

It's like having a constant bodyguard. But at least bodyguards don't sit outside of your bathroom door while you're taking a shower making sure you are not "lonely".

Not only do they constantly pop up out of no where. Rylee has also took it upon herself to call me at least three times a day to make sure nothing has happened to me. 

Imagine her calling me and each and every one of those calls gets interrupted by my brothers who are always wanting to know who I'm talking to.

Meanwhile, we arrived at the mall. Grabbing my phone and tucking it into my pocket, I slowly rise from my seat and open my door. Stepping out I breathe in the horrific scent of garbage. Turning around I'm met with the alley way next to my base. How did he...

"What are we doing here?" I asked Silas suspiciously.

Silas turns to look at me. "This is the alley way we lost you in. When you ran away from us at the cafe." He stated.

Oh I wasn't expecting that. But this isn't the same alley way. It doesn't have the huge greek styled arch hanging over the entrance. Theres no tent in the back corner, occupied by Joe. Why would he take me here? He has to know.

"Silas why are we here instead of the mall? Fathers going to have a field-day once he finds out we didn't actually go to the mall like he told us to." I said.

"Bells all I want to know is why you ran from us. Were your brothers, I'm your brother. If you can't trust them, trust me! Please Midnight." He said with a wave of multiple emotions.    

"Trust you? How do you expect me to trust you when all you ever did was watch when father would beat me senseless. How I would lay on the floor while he hit me with his belt, begging you for help. Yes Silas I talk to you. But that doesn't mean you're my favorite brother. That doesn't mean I don't see you as one of them." 

"Honestly Silas." I pause, sucking in a breath to finish my sentence. " You're just like father and Gio."

"A cold blooded abuser." I strongly stated. He stood there shocked but I didn't stay long enough to wait for his response. 

I ran out of the alley way and away from the den. I can't have him finding out how to get inside. Tourists walking on the sidewalks watch me with curiosity as I franticly run down the street, ignoring the cars that honk every time I step in front of them.

Turning back I see Silas chasing after me, while on the phone with someone. Which would most likely be father, or Gio. 

Passing Mama Sbarro's, I turn the corner and duck into another alley way, crawling behind a pile of old trash. I tried to stay quiet, but inhaling the foul stench of what probably would be manure,  made this sickening gagging sound escape from my mouth, echoing the small cramped space.

My heart intensely beat in my chest. Taking deep breaths to help calm myself down was all for nothing when I heard the light footsteps of my bother enter the alley. Taking a last large breath, gagging, I sprint out of my hiding spot and cling onto the metal fence, and haul myself over.

Making me fall onto my back. I lay there dazed for a couple seconds before I realize I'm still being chased by Silas, and probably by my other brothers as well. Turning over I use my hands to push myself up, and continue down the alley way occasionally using the wall for support. 

Picking up my speed I started up into a run again. Looking up I spotted a fire escape. Jumping into a dumpster, I used the height as an advantage to reach up for the ladder. Gripping onto the bottom I yanked it down. I heaved myself up the ladder, and at the top I pulled it up so no one else could follow.

I stayed sitting down to try and calm myself down. A clattering sound, sounded from right below me. Peering down I pushed my hair away from my face, below was a group of boys. They kept shooshing each other and laughing. There were 5 in total, and they started advancing up to the dumpster. 

Staying quiet I tried to move slowly without making any noise, but when I went to stand up my ankle made a sickening crack. I grunted in pain but immediately covered my mouth, I couldn't hear them anymore. Dropping my gaze back down to the boys, two were already in the dumpster and three were standing beside it. But they're full attention was where I was sitting/laying.

My ankle continued to burn like it was being cooked over a fire like a marshmallow. Block dots swarmed my vision as I tried to crawl over to the steps. Finally I propped myself up into a sitting position, finding my attempts futile. The group of boys were still staring up to where I sat but continued talking and trying to grab the ladder.

After one of them failed to grab the ladder, a taller and more built boy climbed into the dumpster and pushed the other one away, reaching up and yanking the ladder down.

The others cheered and applauded the boy for being able to reach the ladder.

Said boy started climbing, right then and there I accepted my fate. My heartbeat quickened, my tongue felt like sandpaper in my mouth. My hand slid down to my pocket and reached for my knife. Before I could grab it the boy had made it to the top, locking eyes with me.

"Who the fuck are you?" He questioned. His voice was deep, and seemed to have caught the attention of his friends down below. 

"I'm your mom." I said sarcastically. Before my vision blurred and I felt my body slump against the railing. 


Sorry this chapter is very late. But I hope it's good since I rushed writing it.


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