Causeway Of The Giants

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Croix ushered everyone else out. Me and Cynthia sat in uncomfortable silence. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The silence was unbearable, my ears were probably screaming. "You shouldn't have done that." She spoke quietly. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it when I know my friend could die."

"This war Kendra, not everyone makes it to the other side."

"It doesn't mean you have to go."

"I would rather die a hero than a coward."

"If you were a hero you'd stay alive for them."

"I want to keep them safe."

"Then be there for them."


"You nut-brained acorn."

"ARIN IS HERE!" The door flew open and Arin walked in. "Holy shrimp, dude." I fell off the bed and Cynthia spun in her seat. "Sorry." Croix walked in holding a silver charm. "Dinner is at the table. Mind you it's only instant noodles and hotdogs."

"Fine by me."

Mark, Zane and Claudia were seated eating the noodles. "Kendra, you're awake. I was- I mean we were worried about you." Claudia handed me a plate. I sat down while we ate in silence. "Say something." Zane muttered under his breath. "That's it!" He banged his fists (tiny fists) on the table. "Can someone say something? I don't like the tension."

"Sure bro, what do you wanna talk about?"


"Of course you do."

"I wanna play, who wants to trade cards."

"I'll play." Zane and Mark stood up and sat down on the ground with their Pokèdex cards. After everyone else had gone back to their rooms it was just me, Zane, and Mark. I watched them play, watching how their faces would shift from joy from having a good card to frustration with the opposing player having a better one. We were casually relaxing with the time we had at a cabin in the woods. After some time I fell asleep.

I must've slept for three hours or something. The sight when I opened my eyes was heart-attack worthy. "AH! WHAT THE FRIGG DUDE?!" Mark sat there. "Oh, sorry. I waited for you to wake up."

"Creepy bro."

"Nah, your face was priceless."

"Not funny."

"I wish I had a camera with me." We laughed for a few minutes when his face went serious. Mark pulled me up off the couch. "Bro-"

"Kendra, I like you."

"Oh- wait what?"

He nodded. Slowly he leaned in and kissed me lightly before leaving. I was screaming on the inside: 'WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICK?!' The next day I woke up and saw Arin and Mark talking in the trees. "Hey guys."


"Whatcha guys talking about?"

"Eh, guy stuff."

"There's guy stuff?"

"Like, there's girl stuff."



"I'll help Croix and Thia. Claudia and Zane are playing games or something." Arin walked out attempting to spin a pen in his hands. "Mark, it might be a hard pill to swallow but-" I paused and thought about what I was gonna say. "Uh, I like you as a friend."

"Okay, why would you think I'd be scared."

"Last night, you said you liked me."

"I did?"

"Bro, you freaking kissed me."

"I didn't do that, but- you dreamed about me."

"Shut up."

"But you did."

"Eh, it doesn't matter anyways."

"Fine, good to know you see me as a good friend." I nodded and walked slowly back to the cabin. Out of nowhere he body slammed into me. "ONWARD AND OUTWARD KENDRA!" I crashed into the ground. Arin must've seen us because in the corner of my eye he was running and just jumped on Mark. "Get off me." He pushed Arin off while I lay on the ground. "Bro bro, we gotta go." Arin shook Mark. "Fine, let's go."

"What about Kendra?"

"We can leave her here, she'll be fine." I sat up. "Seriously you guys?" They laughed and helped me up. We heard a scream and saw the portal opening up. Two giants stepped out. Now these giants were made of stones and others were covered in seaweed. They reached around, the shaking earth knocked us all into the portal Once again the flashing of emeralds and magic. We landed in a thud on the ground. I looked around dazed. We were surrounded by hexagon shaped columns. "The giant's causeway." Croix stood up overlooking the North Antrim coast. The two giants followed us, we drew our weapons awaiting attack. Instead they looked at us, our weapons then themselves and burst into tears like five year-olds. I put my sword down and spoke in a gentle voice. "Please stop." They looked at me. They were actually quite small for giants. I walked up to both of them. "Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you." Everyone else nodded, stashing their weapons. "See?" They sat down clapping their hands laughing- more like shaking the earth. The stone one picked all of us up and began walking to a cave. "Hey! Hey! Giant, uhh, put us down now!" It looked down and laughed. It continued to bring us to the cave.

Soon enough, we were in the pitch black darkness of the cave. "Guys?"

"We're here."


"We gotta get out." Croix's panicked breathing echoed on the walls of the cave. "Croix? You okay?"

"N-no." Her voice was so scared and fragile. This was the first time I'd heard her voice delicate like glass. "Do you need something?"

"I'm claustrophobic, I- I can't breathe." I have experienced not being able to breathe before. I am a swimmer and once I didn't have water and I tried to breathe in but I couldn't. It felt like I was trying to blow a balloon with a hole in it. "Croix, deep breaths. Calm down." I made my way to her and rubbed her back soothingly. "It's so tight and dark..." She whimpered quietly.


I am a swimmer btw and I have experienced that. It was so weird. Also my dog is sick so I'm gonna try and take a break. 

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