So many Personas!! - Request

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Requested by [Unknown Requester]. (They wished not to be named) and I liked this AU a lot, anyways enjoy and I hope you liked it [Unknown Requester]!!
Bold: Grian
Italics: Other Personas (example: Hippie Grian - blab blab blab)
Grian was happily doing his things on his ship. He and his personas switching bodies. And when I mean personas I mean PER-SO-NAS! Grian has a lot of personas that can control his body. One at a time though. Something's when Grian needs a break he gives a chance for one of them to control his body. He trust Sherlock Grian often as he is most responsible.

Some personas can't get in control as they might be a danger to the society. Like this one where his head is the wrong way up- as expected it's cursed but mostly weird. Now, some of his personas don't get enough sleep or don't sleep at all like the main Grian. They are either forced to sleep or they fake sleep it. Sometimes his personas can split apart, meaning they get out of his mind and become one body. Which honestly is rare because they wouldbe questioned why there is a double of a person.

Right now, Grian is sailing his boat, feeling the nice cold breeze against his face. He likes being out on the ocean, even though astronaut! Grian rather be in space. He likes sailing for fun as it calms down almost everything that goes on his brain. And when I mean almost, most of the personas are quiet others are being annoying.

He continued to sail until he was met by a stop in the middle of the ocean. Sherlock Grian: G, can I see what the problem is? Sure. Grian quickly went AFK and watched as Sherlock Grian had tied a rope to a small wood pole at the start of his ship. He continues to see what he was looking at. Sherlock Grian: nothing happened to anyone it- Kid Grian: look down.

Sherlock Grian did what he was told and they could see half a ship sinking down in the water. HOLD SHRIMP! Yu think the crew is safe? Arianna Griande: Should be.. no bodies to be seen. As Ari said, their was no bodies and that meant who every was on the ship was stranded of a nearby island, stranded in the middle of the sea, or had drowned. Sherlock Grian had a gut feeling that they weren't dead, and couldn't be stranded in the middle of the ocean as that's gonna take a lot of stamina. So the last option was they were in a nearby island.

Sherlock gave control back to the original Grian which he sailed to the nearest island possible. Though as it was only a few miles away still took a while since a certain someone wanted to take control and just start placing eggs everywhere. Yes we are talking about poultry man. (Does that count as a persona?) now by the time he reached the island he could see a raft made of the same wood as the crashed ship earlier. Elf Grian: They are definitely here.. who should interact with them?

Now when Christmas Grian had said that they started to argue. JESUS CHRIST, just stop arguing. Your giving me a head ache.. Snapshot Grian: Sorry G. Hippie Grian: Yes sorry. I'll do it, I have more experience. Grian shrugged and went afk again and soon Hippie Grian took over. He searched the Island mountains and jungles. Finally taking a break knowing he can't find anyone. "THIS IS THE NEAREST ISLAND WE COULD FIND! WHERE ARE THEY?!" Hippie Grian shouted. This gained some attention as the bushes started to rustle. He pulled out a sword and getting in a fighting stance. "Show yourself-" Hippie G shouted at the bushes which seemed a bit awkward.

A man in a helmet, walked amongst the bushes also a sword in hand. "Who are you." He spoke, not in a questioning manner but in a serious manner. A manner which all the Grian personas started to laugh. Hippie still kept a straight face though. "My name is Hipp- Grian." He stopped in the midst of his words so he didn't have to explain the personas. It was silent for a bit and The man said "just come out. It's several people against one person." He said a change in his voice. "I'm Xisuma. Our ship crashed into something so we came to this island on a quickly built raft." X-Eye-Zooma has said. "Well.. X-Eye-Zooma. Who is your crew?" Hippie asked looking at the people surrounding him.

Let's say as there were alot of people they just introduced themselves. Doc, Mumbo and Cub were slightly suspicious of the new imcomer. Mostly as he made an excuse that his crew isn't here with him but they heard what he said earlier, he said We not himself.

Grian had invited everyone to join his ship the next day to bring him back home. Though some Personas also had some.. suspicion and a bad feeling of these people who call them selves Hermits. At night when Hippie Grian thought everyone was asleep, he let a few Undangerous Grians out to make their own person. "Look, all I'm saying is that these people can't be trusted!" Ari whispered. "They seem nice!" Normal Grian whispered back at Ari. "For once I'm agreeing with Ari.. They can't be trusted. We just met them and now we are going to be sailing them back to their home again?" Sherlock crossed his arms, "Well excuse me! It's called trying to make a good impression!" Hippie snapped back. Maybe a bit too loud since half of the hermits had woke up and ran to him.

"Oh f-" "Shush!" Normal Grian shushed Ari. "I- why is there 5 of you.." A girl named Stress asked pointed at all 5. Original Grian went to a wall and started to bang his head on it, soon bleeding. "Ughhh. Uhm My name is Sherlock Grian. Or in other words a persona of Grian," Sherlock held his hand out as a sign of peace. "Personas?" Doc asked suspiciously. "Yup, we are personas. I'm Arianna Griande and a persona of him." Ari soon pointed at the now bleeding and bruised Grian who seemed as he wanted to die. "Goodness.." Hippie said shaking his head.
Sorry bout the ending. It felt cringe, hope you liked it [Unknown Requester]!! Anyways that's all. Star is all better and yesh finally on spring break. Anyways have a good day y'all!!

Writer: Puppet and Star
Editor: Moon

Words: 1120

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