A Child - Oneshot [2]

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*I had no Second name for this- continuation of "A child — Oneshot [1]" this Oneshot is literally just Fluff so enjoy this while you can!*

"Guys can you stop? Grian is scared!" False screamed over everyone's yapping. They all did shut up, Hrian was on the floor holding Falses leg. "How about I take care of Grian. While you guys find a way to bri;g him back to normal." She said, picking up Grian. "Sure." Xisuma shrugged, everyone who wants going to help decided to leave, False being one of them.

Since False couldn't fly because Grian was a child, she decided to walk to her base. The two walked around for 5 minutes before Grian wanted False to carry her. She reluctantly agreed because- well it's Grian. After a few more minutes Grian fell asleep. When they finally did reach her mega base of blue (I don't watch her so- yehhhh) she went to her bed and placed Grian down.

False would be looking her blue prints seeing what she can add or fix in her base. While working on her blue prints she git a bit of a problem. She didn't know what to do for the top part. Would she made it dome like or flat. She had a problem and she was stressed. She went to the bathroom to throw water all over her face, when she came back, Grian was on her table with the blue prints. He was using a pen and to False's view it looked like he was doodling everywhere on her work.

"Grian, what are you doin? I though you were napping?" False asked as she ran towards him to pick him up and get him off her blue prints. "Did you.. draw on my.." She looked down on her blue prints, seeing that Grian had drawn a glass dome with spirals floating around it. "Grian.l this is amazing." She smiled at him, Grian happily cheered, clapping at his work. "Hmmm, I guess I can't work on this right now. How about we bake some cake?" She walked to the kitchen, still holding Grian in her arms.

"Cake!" Grian cheered. False put Grian on the counter and told him to stay put. She grabbed eggs, chocolate cake mix, sugar, milk, butter, baking soda and salt. She placed them next to Grian who grabbed the sugar. She went to the cupboards and grabbed a whisk, bowl, tablespoons, parchment and a baking pan. She preheated the oven and went to Grian who was eating some sugar. "Oh your definitely not sleeping tonight huh." She sighed, before grabbing the sugar out of his hands. "Okay since I don't have a measuring cup at the moment, we're just gonna guess it." False chuckled, she opened the bag of chocolate cake mix and gave it to Grian.

"Here you go, carefully pour it okay." Grian gave a nod and poured it in. Some flour went onto his clothes but he didn't notice. "Next is some sugar." She decided to put it in herself since they didn't have the exact measurements. She placed it down and got the baking soda. She grabbed the tablespoon and put some baking soda on it, "Here put a tablespoon in." She care fully gave the tablespoon to Grian who put it in the bowl.

Next was the salt, she grabbed a pinch of salt and held it to Grian. He did the same she did and sprinkled it in the bowl. "I'll do the rest then you can mix." She looked at Grian then picked up the milk and poured at least a cup and a half of milk into the bowl. Next she added 3 eggs into the mixture. Lastly she cut some butter and placed the slices of it in the bowl. She mushed it all together so it was a somewhat liquid. "Here, mix it up carefully, when it gets harder to mix tell me. I'll finish it." She handed him the whisk and bowl. "Okay!"

A few seconds later and the mixture was all over Grians face but it there was still a lot. "Uhm. Ms. It's getting harder to mix." Grian called out. She was washing up and putting thing away. She washed her hands and dried them. False walked up to Grian who was still sitting down on the counter. She mixed the rest up, making sure there was no lump left. When she knew everything was done, False poured it into the cake pan. And right on time, the oven went off. "I'm going to put you down and can you wait over there. The Oven is hot and I don't want you to get hurt." False pointed to the table and chair. "Sure Ms." Grian replied back and walked to the chair.

False opened the oven and the heat reflected onto her face. She quickly grabbed the pan and pushed it into the metal layer of the oven. She closed it and set a time for 25 minutes. "While that's cooking, let's get you washed up." False gestured Grian to follow her, and he did. She went to the bathroom, filled the tub with warm water and bubbles. "Go ahead and get cleaned. I'll check up on you for a bit." She smiled closing the door.

She went back to her blue prints. Even as a child he can still work she thought after seeing the idea Grian gave her. I need to go to stress to get some glass then she thought again. "Oh wait a minute- Grian doenst have extra clothes." She brought out her communicator and quickly texted Mumbo.

A few minutes later, Mumbo gave her some clothes and flew off again without a word. False walked to the bathroom, opened the door and closed her eyes. "I've got your clothes I'm leaving it on the counter." She told Grian. She could only heard splashing of bubbles and water so she can only assume he was playing in the water. False left the room and went to her bed. "Who knew taking care of Grian was both tiring and easy." She sighed and fell on to her bed. Grian came out the bathroom a few seconds later. "Hey, how bout you sit down and get a plate. The cake should be done soon." False said. Grian nodded and ran to the kitchen.

"This kid had energy-" She yawned as she got up from bed and went into the kitchen. The timer went off and she grabbed some mittens. Opening the oven, False grabbed the cake and put it on the counter. "Grian cna I have you plate." False smiled, Grian went up to her and gave her the plate. "Your not much of a talker huh." False looked at him while she cut the cake. "I guess.." Grian muttered. "Thats fine, your a fun kid." False nudged him, she handed the cake to Grian who ran back to his seat and dug in. "Were gonna go to my friend Stress' base." False looked at him.

"She is nice don't worry, plus her base is in the jungle. You might get to see some birbs." False reassured him, "Okay. Can I have another slice?" Grian asked. "Sure." False chuckled.

A few slices of cake and walk later, they were at Stress' base. "Hey Stress!" False waved, Hrian was holding her other hand. "This is Stress. Remember her from earlier?" False asked Grian, he nodded and waved at Stress. "Heya bud! How have you been?" Stress waved back. "Good. I helped Ms with her building, and we made cake!" He exclaimed bring out his hands. "That's nice! Do you wanna see my flowers?" Stress pointed at a direction of a big pink flower. Grian nodded, "will there be pesky birbs?" He smiled, "should be. Cmon!" Stress directed Grian to the patch of flowers, he ran when he saw a few birbs.

"So, what did you need?" Stress asked, "just some glass actually." False told her friend. "Sure. Gimmie a sec. I need to get some glass I'm my other base." Stress sighed. "Wait why?" False looked at her current base. "Doc and Xisuma decided that my base would be a perfect place to find a way to get Grian back to normal." Stress shook her head, smiling. "Oof- sorry girl." False patted her on the back. "I think me and Gri might just hang here for a while, I think the birbs are his comfort animal." False told her, "That fine. Stay as long as you want." Stress shrugged.

The two walked for a bit until they reached her other base. "Here are the glass'." Stress handed a shulker of glass to False, said women got her wallet out and got a few diamonds out. "Nice doing business with ya!" Stress saluted to her, false returned the salute. "I think we should be getting back soon. Grian might be tiered." False said, looking at her invisible watch. "Yeah. I need to tell the boys to sleep." Stress agreed. The two waved and left in different directions.

False went to where Grian was last at, which was the garden and birbs. When she reaches there, she saw Grian asleep on the grass, the birbs laying next to him. "Awhhhh" she cooed, taking a picture and sending it to the general chat. She muted her communicator and picked Grian up. She decided to do a quick trip back to her base and just fly there.

The two reached her base and False placed down another bed. "God night G." She said as she placed him down on the bed and tucked him in bed. She went to her bed and went to sleep after a long day.
Not shipping! Hoped you liked because the next few won't be so.. kind. I don't really see these two bonding much in oneshots so why not do this! If I were to name this duo.. it would be the blonde duo or something. Also we're safe. I stayed up all night writing this. Actaully it's 5:50AM when I'm writing this and positing. How have I been awake? Well you wouldn't believe it but people yelling because of a game is actually the best thing to keep you awake! I don't recommend trying if you don't want to lose you hearing. Good Night/Afternoon/Morning, Bye! <3

Writer: Star
Editor: None

Words: 1737

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