The Avian and The Hybrid - Oneshot

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Okay so this was <Star> story for her essay, the others don't want to share theirs. But yes. I typed it out on a Google docs and it was 7 pages long. Anyways. This is Fluff turned to Angst. It was also very long to write. Thank you and enjoy.
Two groups were divided by one species of hybrids. The two groups were Avians and Hybrids, but they left for their safety of a certain Hybrid. They left because some hybrids knew that they were predators to the Avians. All the Avians were gathered together for their safety, the council deciding that they would have to venture far lands leaving their childhood memories behind and their friends. The Avians left without notice of the other Hybrids. The hybrids didn't know where they went, only the council they refused to speak of. The Avians ventured far and deep in the woods to an unknown place.
     Sunny, a 6 year old boy, was an Avian with blonde hair, a red cardigan, and small wings that were yellow with orange tips. He was born into the world 10 years after they left the village. At the age of reading, he wanted to learn of his past ancestors' life in the village how it was like before they ran to safety. He would always ask his mother to tell him stories of her childhood life. She agreed, knowing he would have to learn either way.
"Mama, tell me another one!" Sunny exclaimed while getting into his bed, and it got harder when he first sprouted his wings.
"Okay, my sunshine." His mom grabbed a chair to place by his bed. She had blonde hair, wearing her PJs, her wings being red with tips of blue and purple.  "When we had to flee, it was because our kind was murdered by the most dangerous predator we had. I was about 12 when we had to go to keep our lives and be safe." She took a deep breath remembering all the nice memories she had, "We left almost everything behind on one faithful night."
"Mama, don't cry," Sunny whispered. She didn't even notice and wiped it away. "See all gone, Sunshine. Now go to sleep. If you want to go out again, you'll need to rest." She grabbed the chair and placed it down to where it belonged.
"Goodnight," Sunny said before drifting off to sleep. She smiled and whispered back,
"Goodnight, Sunshine." She left the sleeping boy and went to bed herself.
    The next morning, Sunny woke up to the smell of blueberry pancakes. He quickly changed and ran to the kitchen. He sat down at the table, and his mom served him his share of pancakes. He smiled and dug into the delicious sight of pancakes.
    "Hey Ma, when I go out, can you tell me the hybrid I should be aware of, just in case?" Sunny ate his pancake when she came over with her plate of pancakes. It took her a second to think, then started to speak,
    "Well, when you go out, be aware of the hybrid with ears and a tail. They are the wolf hybrids." She proceeds to dig into her food. Sunny finished his food quickly and ran out of the house.
    "Sunny!" She yelled when he ran out the door. He came back breathing heavily. He looked at her. "Remember, be back by noon-'' She started before he continued the sentence.
    "Or I'm sending a Watch bird to look for me. I know. Bye Ma." Sunny soon left out of her sight.
    Sunny continued on his journey for some more parrots of woodpeckers. When he finally found one, he chased it around, trying to grab the bird—chasing it for about a full 10 minutes, he finally caught it. Though, he was lost. He didn't know this part of the woods and was completely lost. Sunny saw a big boulder and sat on it. Maybe I'll just wait here until noon, he thought. He hugged the bird tightly. He was scared. It didn't help when he heard a snap of a twig. He was sitting down so he knew it wasn't him. He looked around him until he saw a pair of eyes watching him. He yelped and flew to the trees, letting go of the bird.
    "Aw, man.." Sunny heard below him. He saw another kid, maybe his age. He wore a red shirt and green shorts. What mostly frightened him was that the kid had brown wolf ears matching his hair color and a tail the same color as his hair. Sunny kept studying his character before realizing he was leaning forward and would soon fall. It was too late as well when he started to fall. He screamed very loudly, and the other hybrid looked up. He looked surprised, and soon, the two we on the ground groaning in pain.   
    "I'm sorry!!" Sunny kept apologizing to the boy in front of him. He backed away when they started to apologize.
    "No, I'm sorry. I frightened you and started this." The wolf scratched the back of his head. It was silent for a minute before he started to speak up again, "I'm Ren. A wolf hybrid."
    Sunny was a bit skeptical as Ren had held his hand out for him to shake. He didn't trust this person that is much, knowing he was a predator.
    "I'm Sunny." He started before looking back at the floor. "An Avian." Sunny looked back at Ren, who had a shocked look. Sunny imagined that Ren was shocked to meet an actual avian. Ren probably had understood why he didn't shake his hand.
"I'm sorry that my kind had chased yours away." Ren had tears forming in his eyes. Sunny was now guilty and sad. He didn't like seeing anyone cry and certainly didn't like that the hybrid was apologizing for something he hadn't done. Sunny did the unthinkable and hugged him tightly. Ren seemed to enjoy the hug and accepted it kindly.
"Don't cry. I don't like it when others cry." Sunny hugged tighter, almost squeezing the life out of him. They stayed like this for a minute until they broke the hug. Ren smiled at the boy, and he smiled back. It seemed like these two were going to get along well.
"Would you like to know what we avians are doing?" Sunny ran to the boulder again and sat down, patting to his side signaling Ren to sit next to him. Ren nodded and sat down next to the boy.
"Currently, we all live in huge tree houses and find different things to do. We don't have schools in case of danger. Instead, our parents teach us," Sunny stated very proudly. Ren had looked amazed and probably had tons of questions, though the avian beat him to it.
"Why did you guys start to attack us?" The avian looked down again. Ren took a breath and replied to the question.
"We started attacking your kind under a full moon, where us wolves become our full form. We lose control until the next day and don't remember anything after that." Sunny looked at him. "We can control it by wearing this collar," Ren pointed to his neck, which showed a leather collar with bits of iron.
"I heard that iron hurts wolves. Does it not hurt?" Sunny asked, looking very closely at the collar.
"Yes and no. It doesn't hurt us, instead of our full form." Ren played with his hair. Sunny looked up at the sky.
"Oh no. I'm going to be late!!" Sunny screamed before jumping off the boulder. His outburst shocked Ren, making the Wolf jump down as well.
"Late for what?" Ren brushed off some dirt from his pants.
"Lunch, if I'm late, my mom will send a search bird to find me," Sunny replied, running off before stopping from a voice.
"Will I see you again?" Ren asked the worried boy. Ren wanted to see his new friend again. It took a while for a reply from the Avian.
"Depends. Maybe tomorrow?" Sunny shrugged and ran away, leaving the boy behind.
When he made it back, he saw his mother talking to someone who he thought was the search bird. She kindly excused the bird when she saw her son, which he left upon seeing the boy. Sunny ran up to his mom and hugged her.
"Where were you?" She asked to check her son for any injuries.
"I got lost. I'm starving. Let's eat?" Sunny went inside the house, took his shoes off, and sat down.
"I made your favorite. Sinigang!!" She brought out a plate of soup and salmon. Sunny's mouth watered and dug in. He absolutely loved this food and ate about 4 servings of the food.
"I'm taking a nap, okay," Sunny walked towards his room after hearing a goodnight from his mother.
Sunny had thought about meeting Ren. He thought about how it was like living in the village. Sunny wondered what a full form of a wolf would be like. He dreamt many things the rest of the night, knowing he would have the same adventure as today.
"Ma! I'll be going again!" Sunny said as he grabbed his shoes and left, not hearing his mother's calls saying how he needed to bring a snack.
He continued to walk, trying to remember the same path he took yesterday. It took him an hour to reach the spot, so he sat on the same boulder as yesterday. He heard a snap again and didn't flinch. He thought it was Ren sneaking up on him. It was how they first met anyway.
"Ren, it isn't going to work-" Sunny turned around and saw a wolf in full form. It wasn't Ren for sure, and the wolf pounced on the avian. Sunny screamed in pain as it started to bite in every possible place of his young body. He continued to scream until he saw darkness.
Ren was on his way to the meet up when he heard screams loud enough to hear through his ears. He ran in the direction of the screams and continued to run even without breathing. He saw a full form wolf and blood below it when he got there. Ren looked for the wolf's collar and, once he found it, proceeded to place it around the neck. He wondered why he was in full form in daylight?
The wolf howled in pain and was slowly transforming into a hybrid again. Once he fully transformed back, he looked down and ran away crying. Ren watched the hybrid leave and turned to see the poor body of the prey. He soon started to cry.
"SUNNY!!" He ran up to the body, seeing bite marks and his pale skin. Blood was covering his injuries. He hugged his now gone friend in his arms and cried silently. He didn't even get to have him as a friend for a total of 24 hours.
The news spread quickly, and the Avians were told to stay hidden and not cross paths with any hybrids. They were only allowed to roam 40ft in the woods and could never cross that line to keep them from more incidents. When Sunny's mother heard about her son's death, she cried, knowing she won't have her little sunshine who asked questions at night, asked her to read stories to him or cook his favorite food. She was absolutely devastated, and other Avians tried to help her with her loss, but it seemed as if she only pushed them away.
The council had announced that all hybrids were to stay 40ft inside the village grounds. Upon seeing an avian, they would have to leave. They were told that another Avian murder had happened to a defenseless young boy. All the Hybrids understood and went back home to their houses. Ren was saddened to lose his only friend, resulting in him staying inside his home and not leaving for a month until his parents wanted to talk about it.
A murderer of a young boy had affected the entire population of Hybrids to be separated even more. The Avians never saw the sight on any hybrids. The hybrids do not even want to go to the forest in case of seeing an Avian. But Sunny who had been murdered, was now peacefully resting, watching over his mother and friend.
So that's done. Announcement: I'm not going to write anything this weekend at this week has been full on writing this story, But The others will edit the Harry Potter AU. Maybe puppet will post. We don't know. All we know is that when writing our story, we didn't get to finish Math homework. Anyways. Have a nice Morning/Day/Afternoon/night. (Posted this in the morning wow-

Writer: Star
Editor: None

Words: 2145

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