A Child - Oneshot [3]

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It had been a full week now since Grian was a child. Said boy would usually stuck with False or Stress and when he stayed with anyone else, he wouldn't budge or speak. Now, the group who was trying to find a way to bring Grian back was frustrated.

False and Grian would stop by often, handing out different tears such as cookies or muffins. Grian wouldn't talk to them much but he loved talking with Doc. The creeper hybrid was fine with it, he kinda liked making Iskall jealous.

Cleo and Scar would be providing them with magic, while Tnago and Mumbo helped out with the redstone things. It was a big surprise when Cleo had volunteered for magic help, seeing as she doenst seem that type of person to use magic.

<Time skip to when they find the cure>

Xisuma was excited with joy when he found out the cure was made, Stress especially since they can finally get out of her base. False had been called over to Stress' base with Grian so he can become his normal chaotic birb self. When both hermits came, Grian was kinda nervous. He hadn't really been tested for something like this and he hadn't trusted himself to turn back to normal.. what ever they meant.

"Here ya go G, drink this and you'll be your older self." Mumbo handed the potion to his younger best friend. Grian was about to grab it until an arrow was shot out of no where and was piercing Grians hand. He screamed in pain, birbs flying away when they heard the loud noise.

False brought out a sword while Stress and Doc treated Grians wound. "X, it's a poison arrow!" Doc exclaimed in worry. "Oh shoot- I can tell this isn't a hermit. Someone broke in." Xisuma looked around the tree's, looking for the hacker who had broken in.

"You can't, defeat me.. your tried, but I still killed em." A glitchy voice snarled, the owner of the voice came out of the bushes, holding a katana in his left hand and a bow on his right. The person had black goo coming from purpleish-red wings, he wore a similar red sweater and black pants. He had a white mask which covered half his face and his hair was roughly mess us. It being the same color as Grians hair. "What do you mean. We never encountered before." Scar frowned at the being, easily telling this isn't a human being. The figure only chuckled before flying us and shooting more arrows to Grian. Cleo moved Grian out the way, not fast enough due to his back getting pierced.

Screaming in pain once again, wings ripped out of his shirt. Blood coating the red and orange wings. Grian started crying in pain, Cleo speaking sweet nothingness into his ears. Lucky for them though, Xisuma had called the hermist to meet up at their area to help.

Wels landed first, sticking the figure harshly. The being used his scythe to slice Wels into a hermit. That hermit being Jevin who had just landed to help the fight. They both were knocked down into a bush, getting up quickly, Wels wincing in pain as he stood up to quickly.

Beef, who arrived behind Jevin grit his teeth after seeing his friends go down. He brought out admin panels and started to code some things into the air. Swords, Axes and arrows appeared behind him and he pointed to the being. Arrows stuck out from his arms and waist, the axes missing his head while the swords his his legs making him stumble back.

"You seem more.. stronger than the others I'll give you that. But all I need is for HIM to die."  He growled out, pointing to Grian who was slowly losing consciousness. "Sorry dude, can't let you do that." A voice called out from above. The familiar wolf hybrid was flying down, with different daggers, throwing them at the being. "Puny hermits. Barely doing damage to me." The voice said we much amusement laced in it.

Hermits came, left and right. Attacking the unfamiliar being who had broken in and decided killing Grian would be the best idea. "Yknow, mess with one hermits, you mess with all of us." Impulse smiled, bring out a bow and arrows, shooting them at the being.

"Your all annoying.." The rough voice spoke, he stomped his foot, making a clear wave of purple knock down all the hermits. Cleo, who was sticking with Grian had let go of him when she flew backwards. She panicked, seeing Grian unconscious below the beings feet. A katana made of obsidian over the poor boy's head.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared infront of the being. He had a yellow veil over his face, wearing a red sweater with golden feather embroidered into it, on his back was a orange cape with different colored feather attached. He had wings which were orange and red, outlined in yellow. He had short but fluffy strawberry blond hair and seemed to be shorter than the monstrous being but taller than Mumbo.

"Your finally here.. came to visit me?" The being smiled, well, what the hermits thought was a smile. "No. But you can't just kill off a child!" The one.. less monster looking. "I've done it once, I'll do it again!" C! Grian (I'll be calling them by their AU's now) saw a tiny opening between G! Grian and threw his katana. Hitting  C! Grian's leg, G! Grian punched and kicked him, knocking C! G to a tree. "How fricken DARE YOU TRY KILLING OFF A CHILD AGAIN!" G! Grian yelled, tears swelling up in his eyes.

Since Joe and Bdubs were closes to C! Grian, they slowly crawled their not to draw attention to themselves. Bdubs checked for a pulse, it was slow but was still there. But as they were about to give him the potion, a bubble appeared around the child. They had shocked expressions and looked up. There he was, G! Grian checking on the child. "STRESS! MAKE SURE HE STAYS STABLE. I cant bear to lose another.."

The original Stress, who was speaking care of other wounds, heard her name and was confused. Why did this other being want her. Until a loud boom was heard and another god like figure stood next to G! Grian. The godlike being looked like Stress, except the fact she had many flowers in her hair, a pink veil over her face aswell, her pink sweater having flowers embroidered into while her jean shorts had a belt filled with supplies or mostly everything. She looked like an absolute goddess. She nodded and hugged G! Grian. "You'll be fine! I'm sure I'll get him patched up. Let me see if he is stable." She was passed teh bubble and she popped it. Checking for a pulse, she gasped. "G.." she spoke softly, Grian having more tears fall from his eyes.

"YOU COULD'VE LET US SAVE HIM YKNOW!?" A voice screamed behind him, Joe stood there, eyes heated with fury. "Your potions wouldn't help you." G! Grian sighed, wiping tears from under his veil.

"I'm sorry.. but your AU has come to a close."
I guess.. that's the end of that AU huh? Honestly, this AU was fun and it was a nice recreation of the old Oneshot. Good Morning/Afternoon/Night and. Bye guys! <3

Writer: Star
Editor: Sunny

Words: 1359

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