Lifeless - ??? [3]

130 4 3

*TW: Gore is very descriptive today*

Grian and Doc shared a tent that night, along with Ren since those two shared a tent in the beginning. Iskall did question why Grian would like to stay at their tent. They were still angry at Ren but had forgiven the wolf hybrid. Mumbo was not doing so great. His body was littered with bruises and cuts. A large cut was on his left leg and shoulder. He had most likely broke his wrist and sprained his ankle.

Iskall had stayed with Scar, Keralis and Xisuma. Xisuma wanted the two to be with him because Scar would probably want to run off back home to go back to Cub and check up on him, and Iskall since they didnt have a tent mate.

The next morning, Grian had woken up first. He didn't really want to wake up Ren or Doc so he carefully stepped out the tent and stretched, his eyes closed shut still adjusting to the sunlight. His wings expanded 8ft and he yawned. He would cook, but he rather not. He personally didn't want to eat after what happened to Cub. When he opened his eyes, he swore he saw the same pair of eyes he saw when Mumbo almost fell to his death.

He looked around everywhere else until he saw the eyes again. He stared at the eyes, getting a good look at them. It was purple and had no spark in that persons eyes, they were dull and had no meaning. He gulped and rushed back inside the tent and hugged the closet hermit he found, which was Ren. Said hermit yawned and groaned. When he opened his eyes he saw a shaking Grian clingy onto his arm. "Gri? You good?" He asked, Grian only let out a stifle mhm in the Wolfs PJ's.

Doc woke up after he felt the shaking of Grian. He got up slowly, stretched his right arm and tighten his left metal arm. "What time is it?" Doc said, opening his eyes and saw the sunlight. He looked away quickly. Ren checked his communicator and saw that it was around 8:27AM. "8:27. We should get ready." Ren put his communicator away and felt that Grian stopped shaking. "What happened to you?" Doc asked Grian. The Avain looked up and clinged onto Doc torso. "Oh- okay.. well let's get up?" Doc put his metal arm around Grians back and his other ruffled his already fluffy strawberry blonde hair. The creeper got up with ease, Grian still clinging onto Doc. When they walked about the tent and saw that Z.I.T was talking about something, Etho and Iskall talking or Etho comforting Iskall about Mumbo. False, Gem and Pearl being the only girls left in their tent.

Xisuma and Keralis were talking about the deaths and who could be the killer. Scar was probably still asleep, Doc and Ren stepped out, everyone greeted them before seeing Grian on Docs Torso. "What happened to him. Bad dream?" Pearl chuckled at the sight of him. "He said he saw eyes in the bushes when he woke up. It creeped him a bit." Ren explained. They all looked shocked, "Wait- EYES?!" Iskall screamed running to Grian and basically prying him off Docs torso. "So wait, he was being watched.." Tango shuddered, which Impulse hugged him making him feel better. "Can we talk about it? When your ready Grian?" Xisuma asked after Iskall and Doc started pulling on his arms. "I rather talk about it now." Grian complained, "Okay break it up break it up. We don't need another death." False sighed making the two hermits let go of him. "So what happened?" Xisuma asked. "Well I woke up and stepped outside. I saw a pair of purple eyes. They were so dull and lifeless. It scared me so I went back in." Grian looked around.

He made sure he didn't see the eyes again and luckily he didn't so he sighed, letting the air he was holding out. "Gosh G. That's scary.. I wanna go home." Zedaph groaned looking at Impulse and Tango. "No! We are to finish this camping trip!" Tango shouted. "And why's that?" Etho asked suspiciously, "It isn't me, remember Grian said that the eyes were purple and lifeless. Look at my eyes!" Tango glared at Etho. "Guys fighting isn't what we need right now. And sadly no one wants to cook or eat anymore. So what should we do?" Xisuma sighed, Keralis giving him a pat on the back.

Everyone was silent for a second until a blood curling scream was heard. Everyone looked around for the scream until they saw Tango crying and Zedaph backing away. Impulse on the other hand.. had blood pooling out his mouth and an arrow sticking out from his stomach. Said hermit poofed and his stuff was littered on the ground. "Impulse!" Tango yelled. Zedaph continued to back away until he ran into a random tent. Another scream was heard and Zedaph ran outside the tent. "What's wrong!" False screamed, "I- I. Medical tent! Mumbo.. GONE." Zedaph stuttered out and went over to tango and started hugging him.

Those two had just witnessed two deaths that day, being more traumatized than ever. "MUMBO!" Iskall and Grian yelled and went into the tent. Blood was scattered everywhere on the tent walls and Mumbo was sitting there on the ground, covered in his own blood. On one tent wall, something was written in blood.

I'm coming for you sunshine! Whenever you like it or NOT

Grian backed away and scurried out the tent pushing anyone who would get in his way. He had a suspicion on who this person is and he couldn't stand for it. He ran as far as he could go until he stopped to catch his breath, he started to footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw a a figure covered in black. Grian started to see dots as his head started to get lightheaded. He screamed at the top of his lungs after he felt pain in his wings. "Shhh.. my little sunshine. Sleep and everything will be alright.."

Writer: Puppet and Star
Editor: Sunny (I'm sorta back)

Words: 1037

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