Eight ex-military mercenaries, hand-picked by High Command, formed a task force that was bent solely on combating the growing threat of the Cybernetic Mercenaries, a mercenary army whose motives are to rule over everyone with an iron fist. This is o...
"It Begins..." 22nd October, 2084 - 00:36 Cpt. Davis Tev. Mara - Dagger Task Force 101 - Delta Squad Sector Charlie, Antarctica
"Approaching base. Standby..."
Through the thick snowstorm that was brewing in the sector, 4 figures appeared through the storm, each of them clad in military gear and carrying different weapons. The lead person of the group signals for them to hold their position as the team sets their sights on the building ahead of them.
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Spearheading the operation was Captain Dagger, a young 17 year old male with short black hair and dark glasses that hid his eyes. Nobody knows what part of the military he was from, but then again, nobody did. The only hint of whatever part of the military he was from was that he wore the uniform of a 1st SFOD-D.
Beside him was Leftenant (Lt) John 'Eagle' Bowman, a British sniper and medic, known to hit shots far and wide, and charge into battle, determined to bring out a wounded soldier even if it costed him his life. At 6' 2", he is the tallest member of the squadron, with piercing blue eyes. A former British Special Air Services sniper, he carries around his serviced L96A1 Sniper Rifle. He is wearing a winter camouflaged SAS uniform, with a white boonie hat.
Scanning the area around him, his PKM ready at his side, is Master Sergeant (MSG) Dimitri Kozlov, known by his codename 'Tank'. Former Spetsnaz, he took part in operations all over the world, commending a team of Alpha Group soldiers. He's transferred to the 101 and has worked with the team for a long time as the support gunner and engineer. At 5' 8", he is also quite muscular, thanks to his years of engineering and hefting around large machine guns, with brown eyes. He wears a heavily armored Alpha Group uniform, with a face shield to counter the effects of tactical grenades
Keeping watch on the radar is Private First Class (PFC) Hans Anderson, a former KSK soldier known to others as 'Stryker'. Although one of the youngest and shortest in the group, at 5' 5" and aged to be around 20, he's certainly much skilled for a soldier his age. Hans took part in multiple raids around the world, acting as breacher with his loaded Spas-12 shotgun. Various shotgun shell types can be seen on the chest of his standard KSK uniform.
As they approached the base, a pinging sound can be heard. Stryker looked at it.
"Got anything, Stryker?" Dagger asked as he looked on through the thick snow.
"Ja. It's fireteam 2. They've set up on the other side of this base." Stryker replied.
He looked at the radar. On its screen, a blue dot is seen to the north of them. Dagger tapped on his ear comm and radioed the other team.
"Fireteam 2, this is Fireteam 1, what's your status, over?"
Loud static can be heard over the comm before a smooth European accent answered back.
"In position, Fireteam 1. Waiting on your go,"
"Copy. Fireteam out."
The hovercraft grew closer and closer to the base. Thanks to both the storm and the vehicle, the team was able to stealthily slip close to it. Once they were in range, they disembarked the vehicle and got into position. Dagger and Eagle on one side of the door, Stryker and Tank on the other. Dagger nodded to Stryker who in turn placed a breaching charge on the door.