Eight ex-military mercenaries, hand-picked by High Command, formed a task force that was bent solely on combating the growing threat of the Cybernetic Mercenaries, a mercenary army whose motives are to rule over everyone with an iron fist. This is o...
Timeframe: Roughly sometime near the end of Chapter 11
In Ozpin's Office
After the initiation, Task Force 101 made their way over to Professor Ozpin's office. They had to take the elevator, since that is literally the only way to get there. (My knowledge of Beacon Academy is limited, so please correct me if I'm wrong)
When they got to the top, the elevator door opened and they stepped inside the office.
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"To be honest with you, I kinda expected more with this office," Eagle said after stepping into the office.
"Same here. I thought this office would be more...lively," Stryker commented.
"True to that," Dagger said as he approached the lone desk that was in the office, with the silhouette of Ozpin facing the window, his back to them. He turned to face them when he heard them arriving.
"Ah, the squad of soldiers," Ozpin said upon seeing them. "Please excuse the blandness of this office, I really didn't have much time to tidy it up,"
"It's alright, you don't have to, sir." Dagger said, having the squad standing to attention.
"Please. No need to be so formal,"
"Very well," The squad relaxed in an at-ease position. Ozpin began pacing around the room.
"I have no doubt that you have many questions that needed to be answered, yes?" Ozpin asked. The entirety of the 101 nodded.
"Well, I might be able to answer some of them. Is that okay?"
The 101 nodded their heads in approval.
"Excellent. I suppose that you can ask your questions now,"
Dagger stepped forward.
"Sir, we encountered these...animal-like creatures that has boney armor all over itself. We found out that these creatures are called "Grimm", but we never really found out anything more beyond that. Can you inform us more about these "Grimm", sir?"
"Well, that is a simple answer I can give you: Grimm are what are known as "Creatures of Darkness", in that they are literally born out of darkness. However, nobody really knows where the Grimm actually came from, so I would advise you to stop there. The most important thing to note is that the Grimm are attracted to negative emotions, such as anger and fear. Most especially fear. That's about all I can give you, aside from the fact that they resemble animals."
"Now, my question for you is: how did you get here?"
"Simple: We were supposed to hold off an area that would provide the enemy we were fighting against a tactical advantage in a war-"