Act 1, Chapter 3 - Downed Bird and First Days

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Darkness. Blackness. He couldn't see anything except the black void that stretched out before him. All around him, there was silence. No sound, just the sound of his own breath. Then something hit him. At first, he dismissed it, but it gradually grew to becoming a pain in the arse. He covered his head, trying to blunt the force, but the pain just kept coming. Before he knew what was coming, he felt someone push him from behind and fell down into the black void-

Early Morning, The Next Day

-and tumbling out of the tree he was sleeping on. With a thud, Stryker landed on the hard ground, face first. He heard laughter coming from up top, so he got up, spat the remaining dirt out of his mouth and looked up. Eagle was sitting there, laughing fits until he ached all over.

"Damn Englishman..." Stryker muttered before he got hit on the head yet again, knocking him out.

"Hey, anyone seen my-" Phantom said before he stumbled across a sleeping Stryker with shotgun shells revolving around his head, with the object in question lying on the ground next to him.

"Uh, thanks, Stryker," he said before grabbing his wrench and returning back to the Pave Low.

Outside, the rest of the squad can be seen laying around, as they haven't got much to do, other than wait. Stryker had a TV monitor installed on his Radioman Backpack, so Tank decided to tinker around with the signal until it caught a reception. The snowy white noise was soon replaced by picture as the signal that was caught was displaying the news. Volt stopped dismantling his bombs upon the sight of it.

"Hey, we got picture now!" he said.

The rest of the Task Force, excluding the unconscious Stryker, crowded around the monitor to see what was on it. On the monitor was a 2-dimensional animation of a newscast on 'VNN'.

"VNN?" asked Phantom.

"Probably like CNN. A news networking site," said Dagger. "Though I wonder what the V stands for. I know the NN stands for "News Network", but what does V stand for?"

"Vale?" Tank said, consulting his navigational monitor. "We are in the continent of Vale, or at least that's what this computer is telling me."

"Vale News Network. Huh, does have a nice ring to it." Hunter said.

"Quiet, the news is on!" Rook whispered.

They all kept shut and watched what was on it.

(Dang nab it! I wanted to use a video footage of the news, but I haven't got any. If any one of you readers have a link to it, please send it. For now, here's the newspaper edition)

An interviewer was talking about a robbery and was showing the mug shot of a person who had a bowler hat on.

"The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa."

The mugshot then changes to a news anchor, who had a photo of animal-eared demonstrators holding signs saying "WE ARE NOT ANIMALS!" followed by an image of the logo of a growling red wolf's head with three scratch marks.

"Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted-"

And that was when the signal cut out.

"Chert!" shouted Tank as he banged the monitor. Nothing came back on, just the white noise that it played.

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