Act 1, Chapter 4 - Recon Over The Shining Beacon

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"Blimey! Would you look at that!" Eagle exclaimed as he observed multiple of these strange aircrafts docking and unloading people at the entrance of the structure.

"Wonder what they are docking these students here for?" Dagger asked as he looked through the binoculars.

"Probably for school. Most of them look like they're kids and teenagers," Hunter stated, eyes surveying the scene below.

"Do you see these students? They're carrying weapons!" said a familiar German voice.

The three men turned to face the drone that was displaying a monitor. On it were the faces of Tank, Rook, Volt and the now-awake Stryker, who was busy applying ice to the newly-formed bump appearing on his head. On a separate split-screen was the face of Phantom as he is busy tinkering away at the Pave Low's engine. The drone was an invention of both Tank and Phantom, as they wanted to keep in check with the team if they have to stay. Plus, being a drone has some tactical advantages.

"I agree with you, Stryker," Dagger said as he looked more closely at the people, seeing them carrying weapons of different assortments.

"What kind of school would let a bunch of kids haul around weapons?" asked Eagle.

"The kind that would train them to become monster hunters," Tank stated. "I did some digging and found that the building we are reconning on is the prestigious Beacon Academy, a school for "Huntsmen" and "Huntresses"."

"What?" Stryker said, a confused expression on his face. Aren't those jobs for hunting down animals?

"That's as much information as I could obtain, seeing as the firewall keeps booting me out every 10 seconds."

"Okay, let's focus on the school then." With that, the squad turned their attention back to the scene below them.

They observed as another one of the aircraft lands at the school's entrance. As soon as it landed, a blond-haired boy emerged from it, rushing over to a trash can and dips his head into it as he spews the contents of his lunch and possibly breakfast.

"Oh, that one doesn't like the ride at all," said Hunter.

"I agree. That bugger's gonna feel that one for a while," said Eagle.

"But how?!?! One cannot just simply get sick even though the aircraft moves as slow as a turtle!" Rook exclaimed on the monitor.

"Remember that time with the Higgens boat, Rook? That was just a practice run and you practically and literally turned as green as the uniform you wore!" Dagger said.

Rook turned a shade of red as the others chuckled at this. Than their attention was turned towards the occupants as they exited the aircraft and walked towards the school. Among these students were a familiar blond and red-headed duo.


As Ruby and Yang walked out of the airship, they took in the entirety of Beacon Academy, now bigger up close than it was from afar.

As Ruby and Yang walked out of the airship, they took in the entirety of Beacon Academy, now bigger up close than it was from afar

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