Act 1, Chapter 2 - "Where the Hell are We?"

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Location: Unknown

In an unmarked forest, on a quiet night, eight distinctive beacons of light momentarily flashed before going dark. From each of these beacons, eight bodies lay on the forest floor. One of them groaned before sitting up slowly, rubbing his head. Than he placed his hand back down and doubled down, before getting up slowly.

"Ohhh, boy," groaned Dagger as he got up. "I'm never gonna get used to that, ohhh..."

After he got up and rested for a moment to get his bearings back, Dagger took a look around where he was. Around him were trees and vegetations for miles to see, but he couldn't see very far due to the lack of lighting. Nothing interesting about them, Dagger turned to look at the ground around him to see (and hear) the rest of his squad groaning in pain. One by one, each person got up, before doubling over from the effects of the wormhole.

"Bloody hell," groaned Eagle as he placed a hand over his head.

"O, moya golova..." said Tank as he rubbed his head.

"I'm gonna feel that one for about an hour or two," said Hunter.

"Ohhh......." groaned Volt.

Rook just shook their head, as if trying to shake off the dizziness. Only Stryker lay on the ground, unmoving. The rest of the squad turned to look at him.

"Is he dead?" asked Dagger.

Eagle pulled out a device with a monitor on it. He activated it, which caused the screen to flicker to life. It appears to be a heart monitor, as the screen is divided into eight, with each one having a portrait icon of the soldier being monitored and their heart rate. Stryker's was moving up, down, than flat. The pattern repeated again.

"No," said Eagle as he looked at the monitor. "His heart rate's fine. He's probably unconscious or sleeping."

"Let me see," Tank said.

He walked over to Stryker and tapped him lightly. Stryker still lay unmoving. Tank poked him a little harder. Stryker just pushed his hand away, muttering "noch 5 Minuten..." Finally, Tank gave him a shove, which quickly woke up Stryker.

"AHHHHHH! Ich gebe auf! I surrender!" Stryker yelled as he shot his hands up in a gesture of surrendering.

He then heard laughter and turned around to see the squad all laughing. Some were chuckling while others were trying to restrain their laughter. Stryker got up quickly, burning with embarrassment.

"Schisse..." he muttered quietly.

He then noticed that Phantom wasn't with the group. He mentioned it to the group, who had stifled their laughter and turned to look for him. Hunter pulled out a radar and flicked it on. The center of the screen has a conglomeration of blue dots, with one blue dot further away north.

"Found him. Half a klick north of here,"

"Eagle?" Dagger asked.

"Heartrate's fine. He's not in trouble," Eagle said.

Their comms came to life.

"Team, I think you're gonna want to see this," Phantom's voice came over.

"Then let's move and see what Phantom's found." Dagger said.

The squad moved quickly up north, keeping track of Phantom's position on Hunter's radar. A few times, the radar picked up the occasional white dot, but those quickly disappeared. Hunter keeps banging the radar monitor whenever that happens. Nonetheless, he dismisses it as a technical issue.

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