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Reverse Timeskip: Half an Hour Ago

First thing that the students saw were the sheer number of Grimm that had surged forth towards them. There were at least three Grimm types - Beowolf, Boarbatusk and Death Stalker - that they could see. The first thought that was on everyone's mind was: They're dead...

Now, while any good Huntsman would be able to easily kill half a dozen Beowolves without breaking a sweat, even someone as good as Glynda would have a struggle against many of these creatures at once. Hell, even just by looking at the Grimm horde, it would at least require 2-3 teams of Huntsmen against this horde. And they have to be either veterans or professionals to even have a chance at taking them all down.

Back in their seats, Teams RWBY and JNPR were quite, shall we say, giddy with fear. They know how hard it was to take down a single Death Stalker (they even had to resort to destroying the bridge to kill one), so seeing at least 3-4 Death Stalkers in the horde sends shivers of fear down their spines.

"They're dead..." Jaune said, cradling in his chair as he watched.

"Oh... I can't look!" Ruby said, covering her eyes with her hands before peeking through them.

"That's it! They're dead!" Weiss exclaimed, hands raised in the air.

"Oh my..." Pyrrha said as she watched the screen.

The others just stared at the screen in horror, not expecting the squad to survive. They saw them open fire on the creatures, only for their eyes to widen as the bullets do not seem to hurt them at all. Sure, there were some cheers here and there when some of the Beowolves went down, but the fact remains that there were just too many of them to take down.

"For Oum's sake, man! Use your semblences!" One student practically yelled out to the screen while leaping out of his seat, as if that would grab the squad's attention.

It was at this point that Dagger ordered the squad to retreat back towards the killing position, which made the students (and teachers) more anxious when they saw them retreat.

"What are they gonna do?" Blake asked herself quietly, trying to see how they would manage to kill all that Grimm. In fact, everyone had this question on their minds as well, filled with doubt.

That is until the squad turned the corner to be greeted with Tank's mounted PKM and Volt's set-up MK19. Which obliterated three of the Death Stalkers and tons of Beowolves and Boarbatusks. This sent a jolt of surprise into everyone watching, especially little Ruby, who immediately uncovered her hands and literally leapt out of her chair.

"Woah!" cried Ruby as she saw the amount of Grimm being decimated before her eyes. It was like watching a fireworks show, if the fireworks were black killing machines that explode into darkness when they died.

The Grimm stopped, unsure of what to do next, before they charged as one towards the squad. This would even make the most experienced Huntsman flinch before the sight of the Grimm horde charging towards them. However, this squad did something that every student, teacher, Ozpin and Glynda watching the screen could ever dream of or is something of legend.

As one, with equal brutality and with a loud battle cry from their captain, with no fear in their eyes, Task Force 101 practically launched themselves headlong into the oncoming Grimm horde. With equipment that is vastly outdated by Remnant standards.

But when has that ever stopped them?


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