Act 1, Chapter 8 - Players, Pieces and Pawns

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(Cues Opening)

Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose are hanging on to something very feathery and very fast, as evidenced by the loud wind and the two being blown sideways.

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" Weiss shouted.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!" Ruby replied, shouting as well.

"I am so far beyond worrying!"

"In a good way?"

"In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

"Well, why don't we just jump?"

"What are you? Insane?!"

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared.

"Oh, you insufferable little red-!"



"Ow!" Stryker cried as a small cartoony bump formed near the top of his head.

"Oh, lighten up will you Stryker?" Dagger said as he picked up the apple that was on the ground, taking a bite of it after rubbing it clean.

"Well that hurt, you know!" Stryker said, rubbing his head.

Their comms suddenly came to life.

"Dagger. Scanners picked up an impact on the surface coming in near your location," Phantom said as he checked the radars.

"Copy that, Phantom. We'll proceed with extreme-"

"Wait! Scanners also picked up unrecognizable contacts, about 4 white dots towards the place you are heading to, another two in the east and two in the west."

"Copy that. Squad, set weapons to stun."

"Roger that, sir." Hunter said, switching a little lever on his weapon.

With the squad's weapons set to stun, they proceeded towards the monument. Eagle ran ahead, jumping from branch to branch until-

"Captain, I can see the monument." Eagle said.

"Do you see anyone around there?" Dagger asked.

"Let me see... affirmative, captain. Four contacts, and- Bloody hell!"

"What is it?"

"These are the same kids we were conducting surveillance on back at the school's entrance! You remember?"

"Uh, which ones?" Tank asked.

"The ones from Chapter 4."

"Who, now?"

"The red-haired girl, the yellow haired-girl, the black-haired one and the blonde boy, who is hanging from a tree."

"Oh, yeah. Those ones."

Dagger placed a hand up, silently ordering the squad to halt their advances.

"Why are there kids in a forest like this?" he asked Eagle and Hunter.

"Well, certainly not for a picnic from what I can see," said Hunter. "These kids are carrying the weapons we saw before, and it looks like they came for the pieces like the ones Eagle was carrying."

"Stay low and hidden, ok? We don't want these kids to find us-"

Before Dagger can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of them, and a bear-like creature, similar to the bird-like ones the 101 fought before, comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground, depositing its rider.

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