Meet Ethan White

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"Come on little fella." Ugh why won't it go up? Come on try thinking of someone. Still not going up? Ugh why does it never go up? Ugh this is ridiculous. I can't believe that yet again I can't get hard. Yeah I know I have no reason too but...I'm worried that I can't even get hard. I'm 15 and never have I've been able to get hard or even cum out all. Most people would think it's perfectly normal. No it isn't okay?! All the guys in my class have already gotten hard and here I am a pathetic guy that can't even get it going. This is so embarrassing and disappointing. No one can know this struggle I have cause- Wait, wait I haven't introduced myself, I'm Ethan White otherwise known as the sort of bad boy of the school. Just cause I have a weird crap attitude, I smoke weed and sell drugs at only 15 they decided to call me like that. I mean despite this issue I have, I have quite the reputation. It's not like I tried getting it on with people before. I know 14 and 15 no go the young to have sex but here in my school everyone does it early. This is quite awkward.. I've never done it before despite the fact that I'm freaking Ethan White. It's not that I don't want to do it it's just I can't get it going. A few months ago I tried it with a few girls but they stopped right before the deed cause apparently my dick wasn't hard. They called me gay at first but I don't how I did it but I managed to beg them to not tell anyone about me failing to be hard. They told me I was a fun killer. Most people that knows me thinks that I always hook up all the time but it's not true. Sure I do it on purpose, when it comes to that. When the discussion of hooking up or something similar gets brought out, I always make people believe that I want to have it with them. I don't really have anymore problems than that cause they always decline in the end, saying that they don't want to do it with someone like me. Eh it could hurt my ego but honestly deep down I have no desire to do it with those people. I only act like that cause of the way my school is. I can't disappoint them. I just can't... After failing multiples times, I figured I might be gay. Yeah I know what gay is! People think I'm homophobic. What kind of f**ked up society is this? Then before Christmas break I went to the search to people who were somewhat gay or willing to do it with me. Turns out only one person accepted my offer. Oh speaking of the devil here he is. I'm currently in the school's field smoking, earlier I was in the school's boys bathroom. Weird ain't it? I would be smoking weed if I could but yeah I can't at school. Oh great he's looking at me. Oh s**t that's the face of someone who's out for trouble.. wait why is he walking towards here? "Get away from Camilla." He says with a threatening voice. "Why should I Kilan? She's not your friend as far as I'm concerned." I shrug in his attempt to look threatening. "Ugh for f**k's sakes why are such a jerk?! Are you gonna use her?! For your f**ked up mechanisms?!" "Calm need to scream. No why would I use her?" "Omg isn't obvious. She's new and she doesn't know what bad of person you are.." "What did I do so wrong to you besides me sucking your dick only to realize that I wasn't feeling it?" I can see the frustration in his face. "Sign, why do I still bother talking to you?" "Cause I'm hot." "Cut the bulls**t, we both know your little issue." Is serious? Why is he talking to me about my problem at school in all places?! "..." "Yeah that's what I thought but seriously what do you want with her?" "It's nothing really...I just wanted to be friends with her.." "You having friends?" He points towards me, kinda mocking me. "Yeah I can have friends as far as I'm concerned..." "Yeah, yeah you can. What did you do to bribe her that fast?" "Huh what are you talking about? Why are you so adamant on this anyways?" I let the rest of my cigarette fall off the ground. He scowls at my comment. "What you like her? You dumb me for her?" "What the f**k is wrong with you?!" He pushes me. "Good try but you can't even fight me if you intend too. "Ugh shut up will you?" "Ok fine as long as you stop holding my shirt, some people are looking, you know?" He lets go of my shirt. "Do I have to like her to want to defend her from you?!" "Yeah maybe not but still I don't think you guys are friends. I never saw you talk to her." "Then look twice cause I am her friend!!" "Sigh what can I do to get you off my back?" "Ugh, please tell me you won't use her." "I won't." "Good and for your issue.. did you get figured it out?" "Omg please stop talking about that in school.." I beg him to stop. "Ok fine but seriously it's not like I care but I don't want you coming back at me to try it again." "Yeah I now hand besides I don't even like you that way.." "Oh? You don't. Thank god." "Why are you so relieved to hear this?" "Cause I absolutely don't like you like that." "Mm ok but can I tell you a secret sens I trust that you won't tell anyone..?" "Uh yeah but make it quick I have somewhere else to go to." "Ok." I approach his ear." "You can tell me without saying it in my ear, it's kinda weird." "I don't want anybody hearing that." "Ok here I know that I can't get it on.." "Yeah?" "Well I still haven't yet.. How do I make it go up?" "Are you serious right now? You're really asking me?" "I don't trust any boys in my class except you. He singly makes a face at that. "What did I say something wrong?" "Sens you told me a secret, it would be fair that you know one of mine.." "Uh okay?" "You keep saying boy and boy but I'm not a boy I'm non-binary." "What does it mean?" "It means that I'm not a girl nor a boy so from now on use the pronouns they/them on me." "Oh yeah I heard that before but really you really are.. non-binary?" "Yeah anyways, I don't know about your issue. I haven't done it yet either." "Wait what are you for real?" "Yeah I haven't done it yet but I intend to do it soon." "Oh.. then what now?" "Have you..ever considered that you might be asexual..?" "Uh no..but I can't be.. no I can't. No sex at all that's no fun." "Go check on the internet. That's not what asexual means." "Oh..will you tell me a another time?" "Uh I don't know about that. I think that's a bit personal you know?" "Yeah you're right.. Thanks anyways and for the record I won't use Camilla." He backs up for me and ends up walking away from. "Thanks for your advice!" "Yeah it's not like it was a big deal anyways!" He walks farther in the shadows. Wait who is that in the school yard? Is that Dakota?? Wait he wait no.. they know Dakota.. Hm I think they have something going on. I smirk at that thought. I see Camilla coming out outside and waking towards me. "Hey you know Kilan?" "Yeah..long story." "They told me the other day to stay away from you rude right?" "Don't worry he..they only want to protect you." "Why trough?" I shrug. "I don't know you ask them." "Fine.." She's cute when she pouts, wait cute?! "I'm I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my house after school to work on the project." "Oh yeah sure." "Do you mind if I bake while you're there?" " no it's alright..wait you bake?!" Her cheeks turns red. "Uh..yeah do you like baking?" Aw it's kinda sad that she's hoping that I like baking too, I mean I never tried it before cause my family is sorta rich so we have butlers and maids do our meals. Ugh just thinking about that makes me what to throw up. Why did my dad had to become rich and make us live in a f**ked up life? Ugh just thinking about him makes me want to raise my fists. "Oh I'm sorry but no I don't." "I can teach you if you want?" "Sure." We continue to talk some more. I really do like spending time with her too bad that everyone thinks otherwise.

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