Chapter 16

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We had been walking around town for a long time. It was 5 in the afternoon now.

Luke, Skip and I decided on going back to our hotel room and just watching a movie.

I went to the bathroom and changed into some leggings and my Janoskians jumper. I pulled on some fuzzy socks and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked out to see Luke & Skip still hadn't chosen a movie, so I turned on the tv.

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked them, looking through Netflix.

"A scary one!" Skip almost yelled.

I looked at him with a serious face, letting him know I was deadly serious about this.

"No." I stated flatly.

He rolled his eyes at me, "Oh come on, they aren't even scary!"

I opened my mouth in shock at what he was saying. How could someone stand watching scary movies? Why would you pay to get scared? I'll never understand that..

"Let's just watch a comedy." I suggested.

Skip sat back in his chair, slumping his shoulders, "Ugh, fine."

I smiled, looking through the comedies.

"Hey, let's watch Just Go With It. I heard that was funny!" Luke suggested.

I nodded, clicking on the movie to play it.

I sat beside Luke on the couch, allowing him to pull me onto his chest and wrap his arm around my waist.

The movie soon started and we all sat there, laughing. It was nice to have my two favorite boys there to spend time with. It made it almost feel as if nothing bad was happening.. When in reality, everything is going wrong.

I honestly have no clue what Luke and Skip intend to do. I mean, we have no clue when Drew is coming. All we know is that he is coming, sometime. We don't know when, where, why, and with who. Do they just plan on beating him up or something? Because honestly, I know Luke and Skip are strong, but Drew is too. I'd be way too scared that something was gonna happen to one of them.

I just wish I didn't have to get them into this.. It sucks. I've put them both in danger just by them being in my presence. Someone is after me. It isn't safe for them to stay back and protect me.

My phone dinged, signaling I had a text message. I grabbed it off the coffee table, pressing the home button.

"1 Message from Unknown."

I could give one lucky guess as to who that was..

I carefully unlocked my phone, trying to get my hands to stop shaking. But they wouldn't stop. I all of a sudden felt vulnerable and scared. Like Drew could just take me away from Luke's arms at any minute.

"From: Unknown

You think your brother and that little boyfriend of yours can help you? HA. Nice trying, dumb bitch. I've got you right where I want you. You made it all way too easy."

I felt myself shaking, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Luke noticed, because he paused the movie and moved to look at me, causing Skip to as well.

"Baby, what's happened?" Luke asked me, putting his hands on both sides of my face so he could look at me directly.

I knew it was no use in hiding it from him, so I picked up my phone and handed it to him.

He read the message over and over again. He looked mad. Worse than I'd ever seen him before.

"L-Luke.." I mumbled, letting a sob escape my throat.

He immediately gathered me in his arms, rubbing soothing circles on my back. I hid my face in the crook of his neck, grabbing fistfuls of his t shirt.

I felt Skip sitting down by us on the couch, and I'll take that as he read the text. I soon felt him get up, and then I heard the door slam.

"Luke.. I'm s-so scared. He's going to hurt you both.." I sobbed, moving myself so I was on his lap.

"Shhh.. You're all that matters right now baby. Skip and I are fine. It's okay. We can take him." He soothed me, his voice sending me into a more relaxing state.

He laid back on the couch, so I was halfway on his body, and halfway off. I rested my head in his neck, wanting to block everything out. He had a protective grip around my waist, holding me as close as possible to him.

"It's okay.. You're safe. I love you, and I'm not going to let him hurt you, okay?" He said, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded and pulled myself closer to him.

"I love you too.. I'm just scared." I admitted, feeling a single tear escape my eyes.

"Hey.. It's okay baby. Look, we're both tired, let's just get some sleep." He mumbled, gently picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bed.

He slipped his shirt off and then his jeans, staying in his boxers. He slid in the bed next to me and I wasted no time making my way into his arms.

"I won't let anything happen to you.." He mumbled, kissing my forehead.

He wrapped his arms protectively around my waist while I rested my head on his chest. I held fistfuls of his shirt in my hand, not wanting to let him go.

"I love you." I blurted out.

"I love you too baby. Now just relax and get some sleep.." He tiredly said.

I nodded and closed my eyes, but I didn't fall asleep.

Soon after, I heard Luke's breath even out. I laid there, just listening to his steady breaths and rhythmic heartbeat. It was such a peaceful sound.

When I think about it, Luke is actually amazing. He's like my angel. My saving grace. I've been so happy with him, happier than I've ever been. And despite everything going on, he's still here with me. He always puts me before himself, and as much as I hate it, it makes me feel loved. Ever since I've been with him, I feel better about myself. I mean, I'm still insecure, trust me. But Luke just makes me feel so appreciated. He's perfect.

Luke's my saving grace. In my darkest hour, he came and picked me up, making all the pain go away. That's what it is.. He makes all the pain go away. I've been hurt so much in the past, and he's picking up my pieces and helping me recover.

He's the only reason I'm still here.

I cleared my head of all my thoughts, and focused on Luke's steady heartbeat, lulling me to sleep..


There's chapter 16!

Hope you liked it!

I'm trying to slow things down a bit.

Please comment if you have any suggestions for me! It'd be greatly appreciated!

Please check out my other fan fictions too!

I'm His; a Zayn Malik fan fiction

Broken; a Harry Styles fan fiction

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